Electricity Tariff Increase effective 1 January 2021
$0.7140 per kilowatt-hour
The Electricity Commission as required by the Concession Contract, has approved a tariff adjustment for a 3.11 seniti increase in the Fuel Component of the tariff based on the permitted quarterly fuel review received from the Tonga Competent Authority.
The adjustment is due to the steady increase in the global prices of diesel and outlook heading into 2021.
A 4.47 seniti increase in the Non-Fuel component of the tariff has also been approved as prescribed under the Concessions Contract Annual review, a total increase of 7.58 seniti/kWh from 63.82 seniti/kWh in electricity tariff, to be effective on the 1st of January 2021, however, Meter reading shall commence on the 4th January 2021.
The new starting tariff of 71.40 seniti/kWh is the new electricity tariff to be adopted by Tonga Power Limited and will be reviewed on a quarterly basis with respect to the movement in diesel prices and also on an annual basis according to the movements in inflation.
The overall Power Generation from Renewable Energy (RE) Sources is only 14% of our total monthly power generation to which its impact on our prices is included on this tariff calculation.
The table set out below provides details of the new electricity tariff.
The Regulated Electricity Tariff effective on 1 January 2021 shall be as follows:
Per KWH |
Current Tariff |
Adjustment |
Lifeline Discount |
New Tariff |
Non-Fuel Component |
38.67 |
4.47 |
0.00 |
43.14 |
Fuel Component |
25.15 |
3.11 |
0.00 |
28.26 |
63.82 |
7.58 |
0.00 |
71.40 |
CHANGE in TARIFF % | 11.9% |
Tonga Power Limited
28 December 2020.
2021, $0.7140 ki he kilouati
Hili ‘a e fakataha poate ‘a e Komisoni ‘Uhila ‘a Tonga ‘o fakatatau ki he Aleapau Ngaue ‘i he Vaha’a ‘a e Kautaha ‘Uhila ‘a Tonga mo e Komisoni ‘Uhila ‘a Tonga (Concession Contract), kuo tali ai ‘e he Komisoni ‘Uhila, ‘a e Kautaha ‘Uhila ‘a Tonga ke liliu ‘a e totongi ‘uhila, ‘a ia ko e hiki seniti ‘e 3.11 ki he konga ‘o e totongi ‘uhila ‘oku felave’i mo e totongi ‘o e lolo (fuel component) pea hiki seniti ‘e 4.47 ‘a e konga ‘o e totongi ‘uhila ‘oku ‘ikai ke felave’i mo e totongi ‘o e lolo (non fuel component), ko e hiki fakakatoa ‘a e totongi ‘uhila ‘aki ‘a e seniti ‘e 7.58 ki he kilouati, mei he totongi ‘uhila lolotonga ko e seniti ‘e 63.82 ki he kilouati, pea ke kamata ngaue’aki ‘i he ‘aho 1 ‘o Sanuali 2021, ka ‘e toki kamata lau ‘a e Mita ‘uhila he ‘aho 4 ‘o Sanuali 2021.
Ko hono vakai’i ko ‘eni ‘o e totongi ‘uhila ‘e he Kautaha, ne fai ia ‘o fakatefito ‘i he feliliuaki ‘i he totongi fakamamani lahi ‘o e lolo ‘oku fou mai ‘ihe Pule Fe’unga (Tonga Competent Authority) pea mo e anga ‘ene tu’u ki he kaha’u pea pehe foki ki hono siofi ‘a e fakamole ke fakatatau ki he pa’anga humai ‘a e Kautaha, ko e ngaahi fiema’u ia ‘oku fakaha ‘i he Aleapau Ngaue ‘a e Kautaha mo e Komisoni ‘Uhila ‘a Tonga.
Ko e totongi ‘uhila kamata koe seniti ‘e 71.40 ki he kilouati, ko e totongi ‘uhila fo’ou ia ‘e kamata ngaue’aki ‘e he Kautaha ‘Uhila pea ‘e vakai’i fakakuata ‘o fakatefito ‘i he feliliuaki ‘i he totongi ‘o e lolo pea mo vakai’i fakata’u ‘o fakatatau ki he feliliuaki ‘i he totongi koloa.
Ko e fakakatoa ‘o e ma’u’anga ivi mei he ivi fakanatula (faama solaa moe faama havili) ‘oku fe’unga pe mo e peseti ‘e 14 ‘o e ivi kotoa oku tufaki ‘ehe Kautaha ‘Uhila ‘a Tonga ki he fiema’u ‘uhila fakalukufuaa. ‘A ia kuo ‘osi fakakau ‘a e tokoni ko ’eni 14% mei he faama solaa moe faama havilii ‘i hono fika’i ‘o e totongi ‘uhila oku tuku atu ko’eni.
‘Oku fakaha atu ‘i he tepile ‘i lalo ‘a e fakaikiiki ki he totongi ‘uhila fo’ou ko ‘eni.
Ko e totongi ‘uhila fo‘ou ke kamata ngaue’aki ‘i he ‘aho 1 Sanuali 2021 ‘oku anga pehe ni:
Ki he Kilouati |
Totongi ‘Uhila Lolotonga |
Hiki ‘i he Totongi ‘Uhila |
Tokoni ‘a e Pule’anga |
Totongi ‘Uhila Fo‘ou |
Totongi ikai felave’i mo e Totongi Lolo (Non-Fuel Component) |
38.67 |
4.47 |
0.00 |
43.14 |
Totongi felave’i mo e Totongi Lolo (Fuel Component) |
25.15 |
3.11 |
0.00 |
28.26 |
63.82 |
7.58 |
0.00 |
71.40 |
Malo mo e faka‘apa‘apa atu,
Kautaha ‘Uhila ‘a Tonga.
28 December 2020.