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Results for Tonga Electricity Tariffs

Tuesday 29 December 2020

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Electricity Commission as required by the Concession Contract, has approved a tariff adjustment amounting to a total increase of 7.58 seniti/kWh from 63.82 seniti/kWh in electricity tariff, to be effective on 1 January 2021. Meter reading shall commence on 4 January 2021. Ko e totongi ‘uhila kamata koe seniti ‘e 71.40 ki he kilouati, ko e totongi ‘uhila fo’ou ia ‘e kamata ngaue’aki ‘e he Kautaha ‘Uhila pea ‘e vakai’i fakakuata ‘o fakatefito ‘i he feliliuaki ‘i he totongi ‘o e lolo pea mo vakai’i fakata’u ‘o fakatatau ki he feliliuaki ‘i he totongi koloa.- Tonga Power Ltd.