Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Photo Pesi Fonua

Hihifo Road, Nuku'alofa. Power poles and lines are down in many places across Tongatapu. TC Gita, Nuku'alofa, 13 February 2018
Matangi Tonga is back online, thanks to Digicel Wifi services in Nuku'alofa.
Our apologies for the delay in posting our news. Internet and telephone connectivity is currently disrupted on Tongatapu and 'Eua, following Severe Tropical Cyclone Gita on Monday night.
News updates and photos will be posted soon. Happy Valentine's Day! Matangi Tonga Team.
My heart goes out to all the
My heart goes out to all the people of Tonga, especially my friends in Nuku’alofa, in Houma, Ha’alalo, Ha’akame and 'Utulau. Roger Cowell.[ faiako VSA ki he 'apiako Katolika 'I Houma, 1969, nofo 'i Ha’alalo 'I he 'api 'o ‘Atonio mo Tupou Halangahu, pea toe foki ki Tonga tu’o lahi ke ngaue fakatotolo ki he hisitolia mo e 'ulungaanga 'o e 'otu motu. Kei manatu’i mo e ‘ofa pe ki Tonga.]