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Fakamolemole from Amerika Samoa

Pago Pago, American Samoa


In my "Soifua from Amerika Samoa", I allowed my personal feeling to over ride my better judgment, thus insulting close friends and embarassing myself and my family.

To the Sanft family and relatives, I apologize whole heartedly for a comment that sounded as if I am more Tongan because I am "full blooded".

To anyone else who may have been offended by my outburst of frustration an over protection of the home country, please accept my sincere apology. It was not right and you deserve better.

I have been reminded that my kids who are half Tongan by blood are not going to take it lightly, if I think that they love Tonga less because of their blood background.

I pray that we continue this concerted effort to lift Tonga to a better future.

Faka'apa'apa Atu

Mafi 'o Amerika Samoa

slkava [at] samoatelco [dot] com