The swift response from the Press Secretary and Political adviser to the Prime Minister Mr. Lopeti Senituli, was quite surprising in light of all the world media zeroing in on the result of the final report from Tonga Parliament's National Committee For Political Reform, (NCPR). I was flatter that he only picked one issue to challenge mentioning on my LTE, and that is, the number of elected members of parliament MP by the people count. But before I get to my response to the PS, I'd like to pay compliment to where credit is due.
Firstly, I'd like to compliment and commented the Honorable Dr.Feleti Sevele's professional ways of how his Govt. has conducted themselves since took over from the Govt. of the Honorable Crown Prince Tupouto'a, ( formerly Prince Ata ). I'd like to point out, that we are witnessing the arrival, of how the first commoner conducted a text book operations, in his assembling of his cabinet members and his swift ministerial changes, and his getting rid of all the dysfunctional different board members of Govt. That is a good thing.
In my view, the most impressive material released by the Govt. call "Kingdom of Tonga, Looking to the future, Building on the Past. Stragegic Development Plan Eight. PM should received credit for this plan. This is the most impressive road map ever that should be adopted for the future of Tonga. Transparency and Accountability is the two main ingredient to any fully democratic form of Govt. that is approved by the majority of it's voting citizens, and in my view, Dr.Feleti Sevele's Govt. is conducting all of that, even before the looming of changes that is approaching on the horizon.
In my view, Dr.Feleti Sevele is the right person to lead Tonga in it's transition period into a fully elected democratic Govt. I think he has demonstrated that to the world and we are witnessing of how one commoner with the right experience and credibility can be in a leadership position without interfering from the Monarchy.
In response to the Press Secretary Lopeti Senituli challenges, I know that you are scripted in your responses Mr.PS, in your trying to convince the world that Tonga has already have 23 elected MP by the people's count. I would like to point out some comment and count from the world's media that is supporting my count. There are over fifty media reports by my last count, but I'll quote just the one from BBC.NEWS.
Title: Tonga should have elected MP's
The chairman of the National Committee for Political Reform Dr. Sitiveni Halapua, said on thursday that the Country's law should be changed to established a "fully elected parliament by the people, for the people. Currently the Tongan people only elected nine lawmakers. Another nine is selected by nobles and the rest is appointed by the King. The Committee is recommending that all 32 members of Tonga's legislature should be selected by the public. I rest my case Honorable Press Secretary and Political Adviser to PM.
'Aloha and Kind Regards
MT Tuaileva
mttprod [at] aol [dot] com