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Results for Parliament

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Yesterday, when the Minister of Finance, Hon. Tevita Lavemaau presented to Parliament the Tonga Government's 2018-2019 Financial Report, he explained that there was a sense of frustration in preparing the report, because of the difficulty of trying to value the fixed assets of government under the old accounting method. He said the government would return to a cash basis accounting method. From the House by Pesi Fonua.
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Thursday 21 May 2020

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Tonga Parliament yesterday, 20 May replaced its current Chairman of the Whole House Committee, Hon. Veivosa Light of Day Taka with Hon. Lord Tu'i'afitu. The decision stirred up a few loud exchanges and took up most of Wednesday's session. From the House by Pesi Fonua.
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Wednesday 20 May 2020

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Parliamentary debate was dominated by the Prime Minister's proposition for all members of parliament to contribute 20 percent of their annual salaries to government in its effort to counter the COVID-19, in parliament's session yesterday, 19 May 2020.
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Monday 18 May 2020

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga’s National Budget of $589.6 million pa’anga for 2020-2021 is the biggest deficit ever of $60 million, the Minister of Finance, Hon. Tevita Lavemaau told parliament this morning. From the House by Pesi Fonua.
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Monday 18 May 2020

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Faced with a deficit National Budget for 2020-21, the salaries of Cabinet Ministers and Members of Parliament will be reduced by 20%, to help Tonga to counter the impact of the COVID-19, the Prime Minister told parliament this morning.
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Monday 11 May 2020

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A decision by the Tongan Parliament to hold a secretive session to debate their response to the speech to the nation by HM King Tupou VI on the opening of parliament, is a historical first and a disappointing show for the first sitting of the House of the new government, under the new prime minister. When parliament hides their pondering over the approval of a simple thank you note, then the public cannot hope to see participatory parliament in the future. From the House, by Pesi Fonua.
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Thursday 7 May 2020

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
HM King Tupou VI opened the Tongan Parliamentary session for 2020-21 this morning and expressed his sincere gratitude that the CoViD-19 had not reach Tonga, and was thankful for the people’s acceptance of restrictions that had been put in place, all for the sake of protecting our lives. “Looking into the future the House has a lot of work to do. There is a need for unity,” he said.
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Monday 4 May 2020

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
King Tupou VI will open the Legislative Assembly of Tonga on Thursday morning, May 7 via live stream. The House must pass the national budget before July 1.
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Saturday 25 April 2020

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The resistance of the late Prime Minister Hon. 'Akilisi Pohiva to the ideas of formalizing his party and establishing a succession plan, has led to a falling apart of the Paati Temokalati ‘Otumotu Anga‘ofa (PATOA), and the closing of a chapter in Tonga's Democratic Reform process. By Pesi Fonua.
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Thursday 26 March 2020

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
It is vitally important that all Tongans take preventative measures to curb the spread of CoViD-19 and respect WHO guidelines, King Tupou VI told the Tongan Legislative Assembly today, in a message read for the closing of the House.
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Wednesday 25 March 2020

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga’s Legislative Assembly will have a soft closing for its 2019/20 session on March 26, without guests due to the coronavirus preventative measures.
Monday 24 February 2020

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Six staff from Constituents Fund Division of the Tongan Parliament leave for New Zealand this week to learn how New Zealand Constituency offices work to support their members of Parliaments and their local communities.
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Tuesday 18 February 2020

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The new Tongan government will stretch out its closure of parliament up to eight months. At the request of the Prime Minister, the sitting of the Legislative Assembly has been adjourned to May, Parliament's Office said in a statement today.
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Friday 13 December 2019

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Electoral Commission has enlisted the assistance of Tonga Police to investigate a complaint lodged by a voter on behalf of Dr Netatua Pelesikoti Taufatofua, alleging electoral irregularities and malpractice in the Tongatapu 1 by-election.
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Friday 6 December 2019

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A complaint has been lodged by a voter on behalf of the unsuccessful candidate Dr Netatua Pelesikoti Taufatofua, calling to void the Tongatapu 1 By Election results, alleging electoral irregularities and malpractice. There were only two candidates in the November 28 By Election that was won by Siaosi Pohiva with a margin of only 16 votes.
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Friday 29 November 2019

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
No complaints of electoral infringement or applications for recount had been received by the Electoral Commission on November 29, following the closely-fought Tongatapu 1 By-Election.
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Thursday 28 November 2019

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Siaosi Vailahi Pohiva won the Tongatapu 1 By-election for a seat in the Tonga Legislative Assembly, only 16 votes ahead of Dr Netatua Pelesikoti Taufatofua in a tight race, after the result was announced in Nuku'alofa this evening.
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Monday 25 November 2019

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Two candidates will contest the Tongatapu 1 By-Election on Thursday November 28. Dr Netatua Pelesikoti Taufatofua and Siaosi Pohiva, both campaigning for a seat in the Tonga Legislative Assembly, last week talked about their priorities for their constituency.
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Wednesday 20 November 2019

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
With a week left before voters in Tongatapu 1 head to the polls for a parliamentary By-Election, 4,382 voters have registered, before the closing of the electoral roll. This is only 126 more than those registered in the 2017 General Election.
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Thursday 31 October 2019

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Registration of voters in Tongatapu 1 remains open until the second week of November, before the printing of the electoral roll for the Constituency no. 1 By-Election on Thursday, November 28.
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