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Monday 12 June 2006
Auckland, New Zealand
The Tongan Methodist Church is an economic behemoth, capable of adding value or crippling our economy. My observation is that that the church is probably doing both but on the annual conference, the level of consumption and the costs may have negative impact on shareholders but also on the economy as well. - Sefita Hao‘uli
Sunday 11 June 2006
Ko e konga hono ua 'eni 'o e ngaahi fakakaukau 'a ia 'oku ki'i fakamamafa ia kihe Palemia mo e kau Minisita hotau ki'i fonua. 'Ofa pe 'e tupu ai ha vivili ke 'ilo 'a e fiema'u 'a e kakai pea 'i he taimi tatau pe 'oku fai 'a e fe'ofa'aki moe melino. - Siosaia Moimoiangaha
Saturday 10 June 2006
After reading about the plight of the MOW employees in Ha'apai, I confirmed something I have suspected for a very long time. My psychiatrist is right. I am an idiot and I do have multiple personalities. I can be angry, empathize and laugh within a minute's time. I am pretty sure I am serious about this statement. - Tama Foa
Friday 9 June 2006
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's 'Ikale Tahi will host the Flying Fijians in Gosford, Australia, tomorrow evening, June 10 at the Central Coast Stadium.
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Friday 9 June 2006
Neiafu, Vava'u
The Princess Regent Princess Pilolevu Tuita continue with her village inspection to the outer islands of Vava'u on Wednesday, June 7 to 'Utulei, 'Otea, Kapa, Taunga, Ofu, and Olo'ua.
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Friday 9 June 2006
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A $3 million Conference Hall for the October Forum of Pacific Leaders is currently under construction at the Fa'onelua Garden, Nuku'alofa.
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Friday 9 June 2006
Auckland, New Zealand
A case that's clearer curiouser and more curiouser is now before the courts so I am curious to know how many times this section has been breached in the past, and will I be taking section 17 of the Constitution as reported, too literally, to suggest that Queen Salote could not have legally opened Parliament during her entire reign? - Sefita Hao‘uli
Thursday 8 June 2006
Neiafu, Vava'u
The Princess Regent Princess Pilolevu was welcomed with opened arms by the people of the southern outer islands of Vava'u this week.
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Thursday 8 June 2006
New Zealand
Tau haka he langi kuo tau he faka'inasi mei loto langi mo loto palasi ke kau atu si'i Fineasi Funaki he to'ofohe hono langa'i e fonua ki he lelei fakalukufua. Pea tuku pe 'a ha'a ta'efiemalie ia ke nau laka mo kaila ka e fai pe ho fatongia 'ou ke 'alaha pea ngingila.
Thursday 8 June 2006
Auckland, New Zealand
My statistic of 4% civil servant was questioned. It was argued that 4% civil servants feed and cared for their families, relatives and extended families thus the percentage should be higher than 50%. - Ana Paea
Wednesday 7 June 2006
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A civil action brought by the Noble Lasike and eight People's Representatives against the Prime Minister, the Speaker of the House, and the Kingdom of Tonga, is calling for the closure of the Tongan Legislature.
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Tuesday 6 June 2006
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's 2006 Parliamentary session meeting on its first day, was this morning postponed until June12 by the Speaker of the Tongan Legislative Assembly, Hon. Tu'iha'angana. From the House by Pesi Fonua.
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Tuesday 6 June 2006
It was interesting to read the article "Tonga must avoid political disaster, says Princess Regent" on your website dated 02 June 2006, where there was a proud referral to the private remittances sent by Tongans living overseas being of a size equal to that of the nations GDP and admittedly significant enough to be referred to as shoring-up the country's economy. Inbetween the lines, we are supposedly the envy of other lower remittance sending nations who couldnt match us. - Dr. E. L Saafi
Tuesday 6 June 2006
Melbourne, Australia
The Tongan Government floats about aimlessly. At this time of political turmoil, the Royals would not want one of their own to be blamed when the wheels falls off the govt yet again. Their answer would be to say that it was one of your candidates. -Sione Tapani Mangisi.
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Tuesday 6 June 2006
New Zealand
I'm deeply concerned with PSA's manipulation over the list of its proposed Ministers for an interim Government. I must agree with Ana Paea's comment at this stage. It is fair to say that PSA wants solid power. We supported your fighting for fairness and justice but we cannot endorse your political manipulation. - Velangilala Tupou
Tuesday 6 June 2006
California, USA
Sailosi Finau's highlights of the chaotic Pacific neighbors (22nd Feb 2006) who were ones ruled or are still ruled by super-powers, cannot be gone unchallenged. -Saimone Tupou
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Tuesday 6 June 2006
The economy is constantly in shambles largely due to the ongoing pillaging by the Royal Children. Any country...’s leader with a half-awake conscience should be embarrassed when the remittance is equal to or more than the GDP itself. Let us not dwell on family bonds that we ignore the theft within the ruling family. - Tama Foa
Friday 2 June 2006
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Political reforms in Tonga are inevitable, the Princess Regent, HRH Salote Mafile'o Pilolevu Tuita, told the opening of parliament yesterday, but reforms must be managed properly to avoid disastrous consequences, she warned.
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Friday 2 June 2006
Neiafu, Vava'u
Key people from Pacific Island Forum countries, meeting in Vava'u this week to look at how to develop more competitive strategies for investment in the Pacific islands, were reminded not to forget their own people abroad as important potential investors. Photos by Sione Vuki and Dianne Schulz
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Thursday 1 June 2006

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Over a thousand people took to the streets of Nuku'alofa today, in a national march to present to the Palace a letter of petition calling for "political reform". Photos by Linny Folau/ Matangi Tonga.
