No wreckage or bodies from the MV Princess Ashika were found yesterday in the first underwater mission conducted by the combined Australia and New Zealand Dive team, using underwater-specialised search equipment.
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Monday 10 August 2009
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga

Monday 10 August 2009
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Sunday was a sombre day in Tonga with many people wearing black, and attending church services where they remembered the missing and the dead, and gave thanks for those who survived the sinking of the MV Princess Ashika on August 5.

Monday 10 August 2009
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When the coup occurred in Fiji in 1987 and my father lost his business and sold the Ashika to the Patterson Brothers Shipping in 1989 and we migrated to New Zealand and then to Australia and in the meantime lost my father on the way. The ship never lost its name and very sadly ended this way. - Concerned Aussie

Monday 10 August 2009
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Tauranga, New Zealand
Marek & Olivie have made contact! Here is an email from Marek we have just received. We feel very lucky. - Marek and Olivia

Monday 10 August 2009
Help and comfort the ones directly hit by this. Money comforts a lot of Tongans, money are paid in these cases where insurances exist. The ones left behind need to know that they did not do something wrong and that their loved ones did not make the wrong decisions by getting into that boat! Everyone that paid the fare to enter that boat should believe and have trust in the capability and the seaworthiness of such a boat. - Falamoe Weber
Monday 10 August 2009
Everyone in our industry have known for years that the Olovaha was not safe and also the Ashika. This was a known fact, but elements within the Government continued to cover this up with paper work. - Thomas M. Uata, Uata Shipping Line
Monday 10 August 2009
Senee, 'Aositeleelia
‘Oku tau ongo'i mamahi kotoa pe 'i he po'uli kuo to he fonua he ngoto 'a e MV Princess Ashika. Ka 'oku ai ha ngaahi fehu'i mahu'inga 'oku totonu ke fai ki ai ha tokanga 'i he faingata'a na'e hoko. - Rev. Dr Ma‘afu Palu
Monday 10 August 2009
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With this tragedy, I hope there will be a Coronial Inquiry and investigation on this matter so that those lost souls was not in vain and those accountable be put to Justice or resign immediately pending investigations. - William Mariner

Sunday 9 August 2009
On behalf of our family and Uata Shipping line, we wish to express our sincere condolences to the families and love ones of those still missing from the tragic loss of the MV Princess Ashika. Within minutes of the distress call, our vessel MV Pulupaki was immediately dispatched to the search and rescue area to recover the survivors. - Thomas M. Uata, Uata Shipping Line
Sunday 9 August 2009
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Energetic and outgoing, a young Niuean policewoman Sisiliah Puleheloto (24) is remembered as a happy, smiling person who loved serving her own community and the people in the Solomons, where she was working on the RAMSI mission, before coming to Tonga last week for a joyful reunion with her cousins. By Linny Folau

Sunday 9 August 2009
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The number of missing from the MV Princess Ashika ferry sinking continues to grow, with 93 persons unaccounted for today, and only two bodies recovered. ANZ navy divers returned to the location today in a continuing search for the sunken vessel on a hilly seabed at depths of up to 100 meters in Ha'apai waters.

Sunday 9 August 2009
New Zealand
It is with sadness to watch on the television about the catastrophic incident that happened to the Ashika at Ha'afeva that caused many lives missing. Our prayer, love, and condolences goes to all families in Tonga, UK, and Japan who lost their loved ones in this tragedy. We pray that God's peace and blessing be with you all and God's grace and love abiding, too, may guide you all in this time of sorrow. May our heavenly father can comfort all families, kainga, villages, and churches also give everyone strength to withstand and stand shoulder-to-shoulder and support during this time of grieving. - Viliami T Tiseli
Sunday 9 August 2009
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Tauranga, New Zealand
Can you give me any more info about the ferry that picked up survivors and how we now find our friends? - Lucy Goodchap

Sunday 9 August 2009
Sacramento,California, USA
I know that this is not the time to point finger and ask who is responsible for inspecting this vessel (Princess Ashika) before allowing it to service my people? To that person and to that department who allows for this vessel to operate in the Kingdom of Tonga are fully responsible for this tragedy. - PK
Sunday 9 August 2009
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Auckland, New Zealand
I am 'Ofa Moala wife of Katalimoni Finau Moala the policeman who was traveling in the Ferry that sunk. I lived in NZ with one daughter, 4yrs old next month, and my eldest daughter who came from Tonga with her husband, and one son, our grandson to visit mum. - ‘Ofa Moala

Saturday 8 August 2009
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Tauranga,New Zealand
I am looking for our two friends who were backpacking in Tonga, and were planning on traveling to Vava'u by ferry. If anybody has seen or heard from them, please could you ask them to phone Bruce & Lucy in New Zealand, 0064 75447113. - Lucy Goodchap

Saturday 8 August 2009
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The number of people missing in Tonga's Ashika ferry disaster has grown to 85 today.

Saturday 8 August 2009
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The MV Princess Ashika was taking in water faster than the crew could bail it out, when a large wave struck and the ferry overturned, sinking almost instantly, a survivor, Viliami Latu Mohenoa (32) told Matangi Tonga Online this afternoon, July 7. By Linny Folau

Saturday 8 August 2009
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
There was a mixture of joy and sadness at the Fua'amotu domestic airport when 32 of the 53 survivors from MV Princess Ashika ferry sinking returned to Tongatapu on a Chatham Airline flight at 1.30 pm today. Photos by Linny Folau and Pesi Fonua.

Friday 7 August 2009
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Navy divers from New Zealand and Australia have been asked to come into Tonga to reach the sunken ferry MV Princess Ashika that is lying in over 36m (100 feet) of water, possibly holding the bodies of dozens of trapped victims.