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Saturday 18 September 2010
Neiafu, Vava'u
A fire gutted a Neiafu holiday lodge early this morning but the occupants escaped the blaze. Photos by Sione Vuki.
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Friday 17 September 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Twenty two athletes will represent Tonga in five sports at the Commonwealth Games in Delhi, India, from October 3-14.
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Friday 17 September 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
IN the lead up to the Tonga General Election on November 25, a Media Dialogue began in Nuku'alofa providing a forum for journalists and the public to question candidates who are running for election.
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Friday 17 September 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Sione Vaomotou (36) who killed his wife Fotu'aika Vaomotou by stabbing her over 20 times while she was sleeping in May last year, was sentenced to 14 years at Hu'atolitoli Prison on September 15.
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Friday 17 September 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's Rugby World Cup Campaign countdown has begun with the installation of a count-down board outside the office of the Tonga Rugby Union Authority.
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Wednesday 15 September 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Registration of candidates for the 2010 Tonga General Election would be held for two days on October 21-22, Election Supervisor Pita Vuki said today.
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Wednesday 15 September 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A 40-year-old Fijian man was found dead at in the area of the Takaunove Cemetery at Fasi on Saturday night, August 11.
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Tuesday 14 September 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
There are a number of important Bills that bring the laws into conformity with the constitutional changes and that need to be dealt with and passed before the Legislative Assembly is dissolved. Government plans to ask the Assembly to sit late and long to deal with these Bills, and others, over the following 2 ½ weeks.
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Tuesday 14 September 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Queen Salote College's annual bazaar held on Saturday September 11 collected over $55,000 pa'anga after attracting crowds eager to buy the quality handicrafts made by the students.
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Tuesday 14 September 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
As the harvesting season for sea cucumbers draws to a close on September 30, a total of 23 licenses have been issued to local operators who have exported to date up to 150 tonnes of dried beche de mers to Asian markets such as Hong Kong.
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Tuesday 14 September 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
With only two and a half weeks before this year'se session closes, Parliament will be sitting to complete a number of bills, including a Bill for Tonga Police 2010, a Bill for National Identity Card 2010, as well as others.
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Monday 13 September 2010
Mangawhai,New Zealand
Michael Burling won the New Zealand North Island Longboard Championships 2010 on September 11, after surfing with 60 contestants at Forestry Beach, Mangawhai.
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Monday 13 September 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga Government has promised to hand out $80,000 in compensation to families for each of the victims who died in the sinking of the MV Princess Ashika last August, on the condition that the next of kin will not file any civil claims against Government.
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Sunday 12 September 2010
London, UK
Finance ministers from Commonwealth countries – across Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, North America and the Pacific – will meet in Washington DC on 8 October 2010 to map out strategies for continuing to deal with the impact of the global economic crisis.
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Friday 10 September 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A major Clean Up Campaign initiated by an Air New Zealand "Green Team" begins next week in Ha'apai, targeting illegal rubbish dumps in Lifuka, putting up rubbish bins and setting up a transfer station on the island from where rubbish can be shipped to Tongatapu for disposal.
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Friday 10 September 2010
Neiafu, Vava'u
Talamai 'e he motu'a, na'e fiefia 'i hono faka'ataa ke toe fangota'i 'a e mokohunu. Pea na'e fakamalo lahi ki he kau Falealea. 'Oku fakafuofua ko e fo'i te'epupulu 'e 600+ 'osi fakangakau pea toki fonu 'a e kane lita 'e 20 'e 1, $20.00. Na'a ku 'amanaki kuo tau monu'ia he hu mai 'a Falealea 'o kau he fua mokohunu, 'o fakatatau ki he tefito'i mo'oni 'oku nau tu'uaki, 'a e faa'i kavei koula mo e temokalati. Kae taa koaa, ko e taimi pe 'oku 'asi ai 'a e tola, kuo nau 'oho kai kinautolu 'o hange ha ngaahi fu'u 'ulua. - Paula Kava.
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Thursday 9 September 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Visiting Tonga in early September an award-winning writer and geopolitical expert, Cleo Paskal, is looking closely at Tonga's political reform process in a country she says is "a remarkable, spectacular place" that is now in a unique situation of having to think through many of the fundamentals of an electoral process from scratch. - by Mary Lyn Fonua
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Wednesday 8 September 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A new modern Vaini Community Police Station constructed at a cost of $980,000 pa'anga was opened on September 8, the first to be built under a Tonga Police Redevelopment Program.
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Wednesday 8 September 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The final session of the Tonga Legislative Assembly under the current system is set to close in the last week of September.
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Wednesday 8 September 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Four persons and the Shipping Corporation of Polynesia Ltd. who are each charged with manslaughter by negligence over the death of a young mother, Vae Fetu'u Taufa, in the sinking of the MV Princess Ashika last year, pleaded not guilty at the Supreme Court in Nuku'alofa on September 8.
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