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Thursday 10 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
With an aim of eradicating Sexual and Gender Based Violence in the Pacific, a regional group is currently in Nuku'alofa on a three-day fact finding mission.
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Wednesday 9 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The cancellation of the filming in Vava'u of the TV Reality Show, "Survivor" at the end of February because the organisers could not secure hotel accommodation, has sent a shock wave through Tonga's tourist Industry.
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Wednesday 9 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Surviving crew member Benjamin Tupou who was on watch duty on the bridge from 8pm to when the MV Princess Ashika sank just before midnight on August 5, 2009, said that he woke up at 7:40pm that night to find water inside the cabin and some of his fellow crew member were bailing it out.
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Wednesday 9 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A 28 years old male teacher at the Matahau Government Primary School has been fined $100 for assaulting an eight-year-old pupil. The pupil reported the teacher to the police after he was assaulted for a second time.
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Wednesday 9 March 2011
Port Vila, Vanuatu
Transparency Vanuatu TV calls on the Prime Minister to sanction Iauko without delay, and calls on the Police to ensure that the publisher’s criminal charge against Minister Iauko does not join the many other complaints that have simply been swept under the carpet like the assaults of Mark Neil Jones by Christopher Emelle family and Jackson Noal, the latter now being a senior executive in the Police. - Transparency Vanuatu.
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Wednesday 9 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Women need to work together, to meet and to network, and to review women's progress, Hon. Frederica Fatafehi Lapaha Tuita told a large gathering of women for the International Women's Day Centenary celebration held at the Queen Salote College Hall in Nuku'alofa on March 8.
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Tuesday 8 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Three grants for the education of girls and young women were launched by the Westpac Bank of Tonga yesterday to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the International Women's Day on March 8.
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Monday 7 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Two former employees at the Forum Travel office in Nuku'alofa pleaded not guilty to the theft and embezzlement of over $300,000 pa'anga when they appeared at the Supreme Court in Nuku'alofa on Friday, March 4.
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Monday 7 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Three teenagers who admitted crimes that included theft of cash and goods worth over $160,000 pa'anga from members of the U-16 Oceania Australian Football League team in December last year, are to be sentenced on April 8, 2011 at the Supreme Court in Nuku'alofa.
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Monday 7 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A 24-year-old man from Hofoa in Tongatapu was sentenced to three years imprisonment for six counts including theft, housebreaking and indecent assault, on March 4 at the Supreme Court in Nuku'alofa.
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Monday 7 March 2011
Noumea, New Caledonia
Heads of Pacific Islands' fisheries agencies heard yesterday that climate change is predicted to cause big declines in coastal fisheries resources in the region, with potential production cut by as much as 50% by 2100.
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Monday 7 March 2011
Port Vila, Vanuatu
Minister Iauko also threatened the editor of the Daily Post, Royson Willie, saying "yu wantem mi brekem face blo yu?" (do you want me to break your face?) with one of the men by the name of Nanua from North Tanna threatening the editor. The editor has condemned the attack on the free and independent media in Vanuatu, saying such action is a disgrace and unacceptable, especially when a state minister was involved in such completely not statesmanship action. - Daily Post.
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Sunday 6 March 2011
Los Angeles, California, USA
I write this letter with humble and sincere concern for the future and the development of Tourism in our Kingdom. I am just floored that "private" business owner(s) saw the need to stand their ground leading to the loss of the opportunity for the hit TV Show "Survivor" to be filmed in Vava'u. I do hope that the Producers of Survivor will see that their decision to pull the show from Tonga was based on the myopic view of a few and not the majority of our people. - Paul Tu'ivai.
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Sunday 6 March 2011
My point is that local business needs to be defended by government, and Revenue Services needs to stop using the legitimate business operators as their sole source of revenue. Inflating revenue totals by penalties is not helping the country and putting so much pressure on local businesses that they consider shutting down is not helping the country. - Harry Garrahy.
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Saturday 5 March 2011
Washington, U.S.A.
– U.S. Pacific Command is preparing to launch an interagency, international mission aimed at providing a fast, coordinated response should disaster strike the Pacific Ocean region. The five-month long mission will include a visit to Tonga.
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Friday 4 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
TOP$5.6 million in aid has been promised to Tonga under a new agreement between the Tonga Government and the Government of the People's Republic of China that was signed in Nuku'alofa today, March 4. Under the agreement for Economic and Technical Cooperation the aid funds amounting to RMB 20 million may be used for projects that are yet to be agreed upon by both governments. The Prime Minister, Lord Tu'ivakano, and the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Tonga, H.E Mr. Wang Donghua, signed the Agreement of Economic and Technical Cooperation on behalf of their respective governments this morning. H.E. Mr Wang Donghua said that his country valued the friendship with Tonga and that, "China has provided Tonga with a grant and hopes it will benefit the Tongan people". Lord Tu'ivakano thanked the Ambassdor and said that the grants were given to Tonga due to a journey of King George Tupou V to Beijing, and were offered for economic development. "There are projects which this grant can be used for and it is needed," he said. However, they had not yet decided which projects would receive funding under the agreement. A statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today said that Tonga's Ministry of Finance and National Planning and the China Development Bank would handle the disbursement procedures.
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Friday 4 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A passenger who sailed on the Princess Ashika's final voyage on August 5, 2009 and survived by climbing over the bottom of the vessel as it capsized, told the Supreme Court in Nuku'alofa that water was leaking into the cargo deck hours before the vessel sank.
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Friday 4 March 2011
Auckland, New Zealand
Developing and reforming business registries in the Pacific Islands is essential if the region wants to build an efficient and flourishing corporate sector, delegates said at a workshop jointly organized by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the New Zealand Ministry of Economic Development’s New Zealand Companies Office. - ADB.
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Friday 4 March 2011
Brussels, Belgium
On 18 February, Anthony and other union officials from the sugar industry were called to meet the Fijian Prime Minister at a sugar mill in Ba, on the western side of Fiji. The union representatives were subsequently assaulted by military officers while still at the mill, then taken to Namaka military barracks and subjected to further beatings. - ITUC.
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Thursday 3 March 2011
The Tonga A Rugby Union team rounded off its three-match tour of Australia with a victory over the Queensland Reds Academy, 23-22 at Ballymore on Monday evening, February 28.
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