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Friday 2 March 2012
London, UK
The Rt Hon Sir Donald McKinnon has been appointed as the Special Envoy of the Commonwealth Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma to the Maldives.
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Thursday 1 March 2012
Lesieli Vaha'i

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
On February 29, Tongatapu produced all of Tonga's 2012 Leap Year babies, with the arrivals of five boys and two girls
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Thursday 1 March 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A former female employee at the Westpac Bank of Tonga branch has been released on bail after she was charged by police with 18 counts of embezzlement.
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Thursday 1 March 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
our men who are charged in relation to an armed hold-up and robbery at the Westpac Bank of Tonga, Ma'ufanga branch, are to appear at the Nuku'alofa Supreme Court on March 30.
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Thursday 1 March 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A preliminary inquiry of a police constable charged in relation to the importation and possession of controlled drugs, was adjourned to March 7, at the Nuku'alofa Magistrate's Court.
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Thursday 1 March 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The opening date for the new Vuna Wharf, reconstructed at a cost of $30 million and scheduled for early 2012, remains uncertain, with work still to be done around the wharf site before it can open for business. Mosese Lavemai, the CEO of the Nuku'alofa Port Authority, said on February 1, that although the reconstruction of the actual wharf was completed ahead of schedule in December 2011, additional work needed to be completed around the wharf before a date is set for an opening.
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Thursday 1 March 2012
Dr Teena Brown Pulu

Auckland, New Zealand
Auckland academic Dr Teena Brown Pulu has published a book called "Shoot the Messenger" in which she claims that the Tonga Prime Minister's office suppressed her report into the reconstruction of the Nuku'alofa central business district in Tonga following the 2006 riots. Her book was launched at AUT University in Auckland on February 29.
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Thursday 1 March 2012
Sydney, Australia
The 11th round of Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement negotiations between Australia, the US, New Zealand, Malaysia and four other countries starts in Melbourne on March 1. Civil society groups from those countries are in Melbourne to contest corporate influence and debate the issues.
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Wednesday 29 February 2012
Molisi City Central, Nuku'alofa

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Nuku'alofa Central Business District CBD is like a town that is getting ready for a party, new buildings, new roads, new car park, and even a new wharf, and all that we are waiting for now are for the guests to arrive. Six years after riots destroyed the heart of Nuku'alofa on November 16, 2006, the reconstruction work funded by an TOP$118 million loan from China is expected to be completed by March 31 this year.
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Wednesday 29 February 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Australian Government today announced it will provide $5 million to support health and education professionals in Tonga.
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Monday 27 February 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A woman in her late 30's remains in police custody, charged with causing grievous bodily harm to her husband, and attempted suicide, following a domestic incident at Nukunuku on February 23.
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Monday 27 February 2012
King George Tupou V meets Pope Benedict

Vatican City, Rome
Tonga's King George Tupou V met the Head of the Catholic Church Pope Benedict XVI on February 24 in the Vatican City in Rome, and he gave the Pope a signed picture of himself.
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Saturday 25 February 2012
Tongan dancers at Nukunuku, Tongatapu

Nukunuku, Tongatapu
A 4.5kw solar-panel to power a water pump for Nukunuku village, was donated by the German government, and launched by Dr Christian Ruck, on February 23. Dr Ruck is the first German Member of Parliament to visit Tonga, and as the Deputy Chairman of the caucus of the ruling party of the German parliament, he is in charge of overseas development, environment and energy.
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Friday 24 February 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The multi million pa'anga project to improve public roads and civil works in the Nuku'alofa Central Business District is on track to be completed by March 31.
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Friday 24 February 2012
The Japanese Ambassador to Tonga HE Mr Yasuo Takase commissions and aid project at St. Joseph's Business College in Nuku'alofa

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Japan has committed $80,000 pa'anga to finance three major projects at St Joseph's Business College, in Fasi, Nuku'alofa, including a new drainage system in an area that frequently experiences flooding.
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Friday 24 February 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Tonga government's current sense of urgency to introduce a Freedom of Information Policy and to activate an Anti-Corruption Commission, is a sign that it has come to terms with the need to take its reform program to another level, and to have a more transparent, and corruption-free administration. After a year-long search for a more democratic system, the new government is still trying to find its feet as the Constitutional and Political Reform continues to unfold itself.
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Friday 24 February 2012
Rome, Italy
In an insightful keynote address at the International Fund for Agricultural Fund (IFAD) annual meeting, 22 February 2012, Mario Monti, Prime Minister of the Italian Republic, underscored the relationships between food security, global security and the future of the planet. Echoing the meeting’s theme of “Feeding the world, protecting the planet”, Monti noted that “we are putting unsustainable pressure on the world’s natural resources. . .”
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Thursday 23 February 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's church leaders need to open their eyes and look beyond the bible in order to understand and combat a "huge problem" of gender-based violence, Bishop Paini Mafi, the Head of the Roman Catholic Church of Tonga and Niue, told a national consultation with government in Nuku'alofa on February 21.
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Thursday 23 February 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The new Tonga Village Network Upgrade Project will not only upgrade power distribution in 17 villages throughout Tongatapu, but it is also creating jobs and industry training for 10 Tongan linesmen.
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Thursday 23 February 2012

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's Minister of Education, Dr 'Ana Taufe'ulungaki, challenged participants at a World Heritage National Capacity Building Workshop, on February 20 to become responsible for the conservation of cultural and natural heritage.
