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Results for Tonga Government

Friday 31 January 2025

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Prime Minister, Hon Dr. ‘Aisake Eke, introduced his new ministers at the St. George Building in Nuku’alofa, yesterday 30 January 2025. He said his new Cabinet had the opportunity to run the government for a short time, before the next election in November this year, and he was concerned to address the needs of the people. Today, the ministers took their oath in Parliament.
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Tuesday 21 January 2025

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
HM King Tupou VI received the Prime Minister Designate, Hon. Dr 'Aisake Eke, at the Royal Palace this morning, ahead of the official appointment of Tonga's new Prime Minister, tomorrow, Wednesday 22 January 2025.
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Monday 6 January 2025

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's government is likely to remain in a “caretaker” mode for the next few weeks, until the appointment process for the Prime Minister Designate Hon. Dr. 'Aisake Valu Eke and the appointment of his new Cabinet Ministers is completed. During the current caretaker period under the Acting Prime Minister Hon. Samiu Vaipulu, government ministries, departments and agencies cannot make any new expenditure or new policies.
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Thursday 19 September 2024

Twelve new vehicles, worth nearly $1 million pa'anga, were handed over to the Tongan government by the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Tonga, HE Mr. Liu Weimin, at the Fa’onelua Convention Centre yesterday, 18 September 2024. The eight pickup trucks and four mini buses were received by Hon. Fekitamoeloa ‘Utoikamanu for the government.
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Tuesday 20 June 2023
Tiofilusi Tiueti

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
There were loud exchanges in the House this morning, 20 June, in the debate over Tonga’s 2023-2024 Annual Budget. When the Minister of Finance Hon. Tiofilusi Tiueti announced his $784.2 million Budget, on 14 June, he told the House there is a deficit of over $27 million. The budget includes the government’s significantly increased foreign loan repayments. From the House by Pesi Fonua
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Monday 2 January 2023

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tatafu Moeaki, Tonga's former Minister of Finance was appointed by government on 20 December 2022 as the new Governor of the National Reserve Bank of Tonga.
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Friday 25 November 2022

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Tongan Parliament went into a closed session when it opened on Wednesday, after a three-weeks break, and there was no broadcasting of the morning’s proceedings. So what was parliament doing on the morning of November 23? From the House by Pesi Fonua.
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Wednesday 12 October 2022

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A program to encourage women's leadership, saw young women take seats in Tonga's Legislative Assembly to experience the decision-making process for themselves, coinciding with the International Day of the Girl Child in Nuku’alofa on 11 October. About 30 girls are participating in the event which concludes on 14 October.
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Thursday 8 September 2022

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Construction is well underway for people whose homes were impacted by the 15 January volcanic eruption and tsunami disaster. The Government of Tonga is constructing new homes at Popua, Sopu, Masilamea, Matatoa in Tongatapu and Ta’anga in ‘Eua.  
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Saturday 11 June 2022

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A Tongan Cabinet Minister, Hon. Viliami Manuopangai Hingano, passed away yesterday, 10 June 2022, at the Auckland City Hospital, New Zealand, the Prime Minister’s Office announced today.
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Monday 6 June 2022
Fale alea

NUku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga’s economy is in trouble. The economic contraction during two years of border restrictions, has been accelerated by January’s devastating Hunga volcanic eruption and tsunamis, followed by the arrival of COVID-19 in February and further job losses. In tabling his 2022-23 budget, the Minister of Finance warned of a continuing contraction of the economy, the likes of which we have not experienced before. From the House, by Pesi Fonua.
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Sunday 13 March 2022

Tonga's Prime Minister, Hon. Hu'akavameiliku, has gone into home isolation after he tested positive for COVID-19 yesterday, with the Prime Minister's Office stating that, “his symptoms are mild”.
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Saturday 26 February 2022

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Sixty-eight new COVID-19 cases were recorded in Tonga since the last report on February 23, including 42 in Hu‘atolitoli Prison, one in Vava‘u, and 25 in Tongatapu, the Prime Minister Hon. Siaosi Sovaleni told a press conference on Friday, February 25.
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Friday 28 January 2022

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The World Bank has donated USD$8 million to Tonga for emergency support due to the widespread damage caused by tsunamis generated by the Hunga-Tonga Hunga-Ha’apai volcanic eruption on January 15.
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Tuesday 28 December 2021

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
HM King Tupou VI this morning, 28 Dec., presented Tonga’s newly elected Prime Minister, Hon. Siaosi ‘Ofakivahafolau Sovaleni (51) with a Royal Warrant of Appointment at the Royal Palace in Nuku'alofa. He will hold the office of Prime Minister from 27 Dec. 2021 for four years. Meanwhile, the King has approved a new 12-member Cabinet and two Governors for Vava'u and Ha'apai, and the Warrants of Appointment were read and returned to the Legislative Assembly this afternoon. The names of the new government ministers are expected to be announced by the new Prime Minister soon.
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Wednesday 15 December 2021

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
An emotional Siaosi ‘Ofakivahakifolau Sovaleni (51) was elected as Tonga's new Prime Minister Designate just before 3:00pm this afternoon, winning 16 votes in the Legislative Assembly at Nuku'alofa.
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Wednesday 8 December 2021

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Before nominations for Tonga's next Prime Minister close on Tuesday next week, the People's Representatives are busy aligning themselves around two members who are competing to form the new government. By Pesi Fonua.
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Friday 19 November 2021

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga elected an all-male parliament today, with nine new faces coming into 17 People's Representative seats. No women were returned or elected. The Prime Minister, Hon. Rev. Dr Pohiva Tu'i'onetoa retained his Tongatapu 10 constituency. Eight Cabinet Ministers, including two Nobles serving as Ministers, were returned. Preliminary results were announced by the Supervisor of Elections Pita Vuki on national radio (TBC) just before 11:00pm Thursday. Tonga has a midnight curfew under its Health Emergency, so after a few minutes of tooting car horns and a handful of fireworks on the Touliki seafront, let off by jubilant supporters of successful candidates, most people went home. UPDATED.
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Thursday 18 November 2021
thumb fili

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Polling opened at 9:00am this morning, at 200 polling stations throughout Tonga, in the General Election held every four years. It's a fine day for voting and in the capital, traffic is lively. After polls close at 4:00pm the preliminary running results will be announced by the Election Commission and by around 8:00-10:00pm tonight we'll know the leading candidates. Election Supervisor, Pita Vuki, hopes that more voters than ever will turnout today and reverse a trend of growing voter disaffection that saw the last turnout drop to about half of registered electors. By Mary Lyn Fonua.
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Friday 29 October 2021

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's PM confirmed one positive COVID-19 test among the 215 passengers who arrived in Tonga from Christchurch on Wednesday. The test was carried out yesterday and results confirmed today. The PM made the announcement on national radio at 5:30pm The first confirmed case in Tonga is in MIQ at the Tanoa Hotel. The carrier had been fully vaccinated.
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