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Results for Tonga Energy Commission

Tuesday 2 April 2024
Tong Energy Commission Logo

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
We are on a quarterly review of the regulated price of fuel which has decreased the tariff by 16.15 seniti/kWh (15.2%). The total electricity tariff will decrease from the current 106.18 seniti/kWh to 90.03 seniti/kWh from 1 April 2024. - Energy Commission. ‘I he’ene pehē, tupu mei he’etau vakai’i fakakuata ‘a e ngaahi totongi ‘uhila, ‘e holo ‘a e totongi ‘uhila ‘aki ‘a e 16.15 seniti/kWh (15.2%). Ko e totongi ‘uhila ‘e holo mei he totongi lolotonga ko e 106.18 seniti/kWh ki he 90.03 seniti/kWh. - Komisoni Ma’u’anga Ivi.
Monday 15 January 2024

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Tonga Competent Authority has approved to increase in the regulated price of diesel effective 18 December 2023. This has contributed to increase of 25.53 seniti per litre from the last regulated price of diesel in October 2023. Kuo tali ‘e he Pule Fē’unga ke hiki ‘a e totongi ‘o e lolo tisolo ‘a ia ke kamata ngāue’aki ‘i he ‘aho 18 Tisema 2023.  ‘Oku tokoni ‘eni ki hono hiki ‘a e totongi lolo ‘aki ‘a e seniti ‘e 25.53 ki he lita mei ‘Okatopa 2023.
Saturday 1 July 2023

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Competent Authority has approved a decrease in the regulated price of diesel effective 19 June 2023. This has contributed to a decrease of 29.17 seniti per litre from the last regulated price of diesel in March 2023. - Energy Commission. Kuo tali ‘e he Pule Fē’unga ke holo ‘a e totongi ‘o e lolo tisolo ‘a ia ke kamata ngāue’aki ‘i he ‘aho 19 Sune 2023. ‘Oku tokoni ‘eni ki hono holoki ‘a e totongi lolo ‘aki ‘a e seniti ‘e 29.17 ki he lita mei Ma’asi 2023. - Komisoni Ma’u’anga Ivi
Monday 3 April 2023
7250 sponsored

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
We are on a quarterly review of the regulated price of fuel which has decreased the tariff by 9.87 seniti per kWh (9.7%). The total electricity tariff will decrease from the current 101.73 seniti per kWh to 91.86 seniti per kWh. - Energy Commission / Komisoni Ma’u’anga Ivi.