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Results for parliament

Friday 23 May 2008
Pago Pago, American Samoa
Only 38% (less than half) of the registered voters of Tongatapu cast votes in this past election. The country is going to be guided by the minority, a democracy by the few and for the fewer. - Mafi ‘o Amerika Samoa
Friday 29 February 2008
California, USA
The highly contested parliamentary seats is an exciting story with 71 candidates competing for the 9 seats available. The democratic process will bring to the forefront those candidates that the people wish to be their government representatives. This is the time when those in government (current 9 representatives) will answer to the people. - Thomas M. Uata
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Thursday 7 February 2008
My friends, we are at a crossroad where the inhabitants of the kingdom must have a "Come to Jesus" huddle and an honest to God assessment of her dire economic situation and look hard for a solution to prevent our kingdom from insolvency. Based on Honorable Matoto's assessment of our economy, the kingdom is technically on economic welfare (remittance and foreign aid). - Tama Foa
Thursday 29 November 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The status of Tonga's political reform remains exactly where it was stuck when the members of parliament voted on it before the closure of parliament at the end of October 2007. Editor's Comment. By Pesi Fonua
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Monday 16 July 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Noble Luani, the Chairman of Tonga's newly formed parliamentary Tripartite Committee for Political Reform does not think it is possible for his committee to produce a plan to replace Tonga's 131 years old system of government, within a mere three weeks. By Pesi Fonua.
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Tuesday 13 February 2007
I was interested in one of the letters from Mr Kavaha'apai where he touched very briefly on what is expected of our representatives, and their important roles and the impact of their roles on us, the people that they represent. This is an important and much relevant issue for us commoners. We must understand what qualities do we want our people's representatives to have and what we want our representatives to do in parliament, considering the paths we came and where we are now and the political climate that is prevailing in the country at the moment. - Losena Vai
Saturday 4 November 2006
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tongan MPs should learn something from Tuvalu. I read on the Pacnews of 27 October that the Small island state of Tuvalu makes Big decisions like freeze on allowances and overseas travels of MPs until cash flow problems improve, said new Prime Minister, Apisai Ielemia. "When my government came to power, we put in place some measures that we think would improve our finances. "“These are allowances of all MPs, cabinet ministers and backbenchers have been frozen until such time our economy can cope with it. There is also a freeze on overseas travel for cabinet and civil servants." - Seini Pua Mafi
Wednesday 25 October 2006
Before my medication starts wearing off, may I ask anyone in the forum to call the police. There is a robbery in progress in our Parliament. But, don'’t be alarmed. The PRs are there to save the day. Wait! I could be wrong. Oh Wait! I am wrong. The elected Representatives are now electing themselves as legal thieves on your behalf, and Wait! We are being robbed. Call the Police! - Tama Foa
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Friday 6 October 2006
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Please allow me a brief response to the challenge posed in your columns by MT Tuaileva "The Royal Spin", 5 October) against the Hon Prime Minister's public assertion that 23 out of the 32 members of the Legislative Assembly are elected members. -Lopeti Senituli
Tuesday 6 June 2006
Melbourne, Australia
The Tongan Government floats about aimlessly. At this time of political turmoil, the Royals would not want one of their own to be blamed when the wheels falls off the govt yet again. Their answer would be to say that it was one of your candidates. -Sione Tapani Mangisi.
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Tuesday 31 May 2005
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Tongan Legislature met for the start of its 2005 session on Monday May 30. Its working agenda for the day included the swearing in of new members, the appointment of a new Chairman of the Whole House Committee, and the reading and debating on the first draft of a letter replying to the King's message from the Throne when he opened parliament on May 26. From the House. By Pesi Fonua
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Monday 28 March 2005
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
As the latest Tongan Government political reform initiative begins to unfold, following the appointment of Cabinet ministers from elected members of Parliament on March 21, we are witnessing a number of interesting political happenings. At the same the Temo's position as an opposition to government has been weakened - they have lost their fighting edge with their acceptance of the government proposal for a piece-meal political reform program. Editor’s Comment
Friday 18 March 2005
Isn'’t it disappointing that none of these re-elected people'’s reps ever moved against such gross mismanagement of people'’s taxation money? It makes one wonder whether the pro-democracy conviction is really an objective that these gentlemen are living for or simply just another money-making rhetorical scheme. -Rev. Dr. Ma'’afu Palu
Friday 18 March 2005
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Now that the historical 2005 parliamentary general election is over, the next question is who will gain the Grace and Favour of the Royal Family to become Cabinet Ministers? Four ministers are to be selected this year from the new Nobles' and People's Representatives. Editor's Comment, by Pesi Fonua
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Saturday 19 February 2005
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Tonga Human Rights and Democracy Movement THRDM is counting on winning all nine People Representatives seats in the March 17 Tongan Parliamentary Election. 'Akilisi Pohiva, the Secretary of the THRDM and the incumbent Tongatapu No. 1 People's Representative, was optimistic that the THRDM or "Temos" would be able to take the two seats for Vava'u this year.
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Friday 18 February 2005
It was a tsunami like wave that was felt through out the land, the islands that is, when Mr. Edwards blasted the royals with accusations of misappropriations and misgivings during the time he was basking in the limelight and among the elites and the crème de la crème of the populace.
Friday 18 February 2005
Auckland, New Zealand
We have observed an interesting trend in previous candidates competing for a place in parliament. They are as fierce as lions when campaigning with their out-spokenness, yet as soon as they get into parliament, it almost seems like someone had clipped their tongues like a wet bus ticket on the way in.
Tuesday 15 February 2005
Auckland, New Zealand
Although once touted as the country having the most PhD graduates/tertiary graduates per capita in the world, it remains puzzling how the Kingdom of Tonga has been lagging behind in so many aspects of government, society, law, business, religion and economics etc., for so long now.
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Thursday 10 February 2005
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The approach by government to appoint four cabinet ministers from the 18 elected members of the House this year has given a new dimension to Tonga's 2005 parliamentary election. Now, in effect, an elected member of the "opposition" may cross the floor to become a member of the cabinet. Editor's Comment, by Pesi Fonua,
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Monday 31 January 2005
California, USA
We have just returned from Tonga after two months 'eva and it was one of the most interesting and enjoyable times I've ever had, living a bit far away from the capital at one of the villages, and looking at how people in Tonga handle and are perceiving political and social happenings in our Kingdom. - Fuai'api Sime
