Tonga will welcome delegates from the Pacific Islands to the 25th Pacific Power Association (PPA) conference and trade exhibition next year, 2016.
Pacific Power Association is an association of electricity utilities, organisations, and individuals who have interest in the operations and development of the power industry in the Pacific Island Countries. The association which is housed in Fiji, aims to provide access to sustainable and quality electricity service for the people of the Pacific Islands region.
The Minister for Public Enterprises, Hon. Poasi Tei attended the Pacific Power Association 24th Annual Conference and Trade Exhibition for 2015 in Majuro, Marshall Islands together with the CEO of Tonga Power Ltd., Robert Matthews and six delegates from Tonga.
This event is an annual regional conference to represent the issues faced by power utilities in the Oceania Pacific Region, held every year by the Pacific Power Association in different Pacific Island countries.
The conference, hosted by Marshalls Energy Company in Majuro from 13-17 July 2015 brought together power utilities leaders and energy experts from around the region including members of the Pacific Power Association to address areas of common interest and pursue business interest in core areas of member activities.
This year’s theme addressed “Power Supply Challenges” which recognized the changing environment that utilities have to operate in. The theme for next year’s 25th conference in Tonga is “Integrating Renewable Energy with Conventional Generation”.
The conference offered delegates a combination of speeches, donor presentations, technical presentations, Utility Board Members workshop and the Trade Exhibition of products and services by Allied Members.
Hon. Poasi Tei delivered a presentation on behalf of Tonga Power Ltd. (TPL) to the PPA Board at the meeting for Tonga to host the PPA Conference next year. The PPA Board accepted the proposal that the Pacific Power Association’s 25th Annual Conference will be held in Nuku’alofa, hosted by Tonga Power Ltd in 2016.
The Minister stated that the PPA conference in Tonga will be an assurance of the mandate by Tonga Power Ltd. and Government on Renewable Energy.
A total of 182 delegates representing utilities, private businesses, development partners, international and regional organizations attended the conference.
A two-day trade exhibition by 31 Allied Members of the Association showcased the latest in goods and services for the renewable and conventional energy market as well as transmission and distribution equipment.
A two-day benchmarking workshop was also held for the utility benchmarking personnel, which was attended by more than 25 delegates from 18 utilities. Representations from Tonga Power who participated in this workshop were Ajith Fernando, TPL’s Risk and Compliance Manager, Michael Lani ‘Ahokava, TPL’s Power Generation Manager and Setitaia Chen, TPL’s Planning and Design Manager. Others who were involved in the conference were the CEO for Public Enterprises, Sione ‘Akau’ola, Fuiva Kavaliku, Director of TPL’s Board.
The conference provides opportunities for economic development and environment sustainability developments which are beneficial for Tonga.
Tonga Power Ltd. together with the Government of Tonga look forward to welcoming the attendants of the 2016 Pacific Power Association’s Annual Conference and look forward to successful outcomes.
For further information about next year’s PPA conference please contact:
Jane Guttenbeil
Marketing & Communications Advisor
Tonga Power Ltd.
M: (+676) 7720002/ P: (+676) 21400
W: www.tongapower.to
E: jguttenbeil [at] tongapower [dot] to