Boys boarding schools may have to close, suggests church leader
Wednesday, July 24, 2013 - 21:13
The escalation in student violence is a major crisis for the Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga, its General Secretary Rev. Dr Tevita Havea, said today, and suggested that closing the rival boarding schools of ‘Atele and Toloa for ten years might be a way forward for the schools and the country.
Merging Atele and Toloa
Merging Atele and Toloa
The General Secretary of the Free Wesleyan Church, Dr Tevita Havea is on the right track when he ponders the best end-game to the mindless violence which has become our national shame and disgrace. The guiding principle in what to do next is what would be the best education that we can offer to the families and students of these two colleges. Everything else will then fall into place. It will not be easy but it can be done. It will be expensive and will take time but tinkering around the edges is no longer an option. I am optimistic when and there's hope if the church hierarchy are open to a long-term and a more permanent fix. Our youth at secondary and tertiary level should be competing in the classroom - for their benefit and for the nation as well. The management of both colleges have long forgotten why Moulton and George I bothered in the first place. Were they to return and look over the last 6 or 7 decades they would be asking what we have done to the legacies they left behind.
Which is why it is time for an individual of influence and foresight to step forward from the Church and lead.
From an educational perspective, both colleges have long suffered academically because of a lack of resources to offer their students the best education that they deserve. The FWC is unlikely ever to be in a position to provide this. It should not be left to limp along unassisted when it is the future of the nation that is at stake. Government is no better at resourcing its own institutions either - including our education system. It has been like this for decades. There has to be a better way because the way these two colleges have been managed inevitably led to this. We cannot continue to provide for the future of our youth in education with the smell of an oily rag. The Church hierarchy appear open to the idea of a merged entity but implicit in that is the need for better resources, quality teachers and a revival of the vision which led to the establishment of what were once the best educational institutions of the region. An independent commission of enquiry with a mandate to offer a permanent fix and offer a more assured future for our youth is overdue.
He 'ikai ke lava ke tukuaki'i
He 'ikai ke lava ke tukuaki'i 'a e Potungaue Polisi Tonga 'i hono fakapoongi 'o e 'ofisa polisi mei NZ, pea tau hanga hake 'o tapuni 'a e Potungaue Polisi Tonga mo hono fu'u lelei ki he community. He 'ikai ke lava ke hoko 'a e palopalema fakatamaiki ko'eni 'a e fanau pea tau hanga atu 'o tapuni ai 'a e ongo 'apiako tupu'ani mo hono fu'u lelei ki he Pule'anga 'o Tonga. Fakavalevale ia. Kohai hena tene talamai ka tapuni 'a e ongo kolisi 'i ha ta'u 'e 10, pea toe fokotu'u mai 'aki moha kau ako, ko e kau 'angelo 'ata'ata. Fekumi kiha founga ke ta'ofi, pe fakasi'isi'i 'aki 'a e palopalema ko'eni, ka kei hoko atu pe 'a e polokalama mahu'inga taha 'a e ongo kolisi ni, ko e ako faka'atamai, sino mo laumalie. Fakamanatu atu ko mamani 'eni, 'oku 'ikai ko hevani 'eni, ke mole fua pe me'a kotoa 'o lelei 'o 'ikai hano ngaahi faingata'a. 'Oku malava pe kihe kau polisi, ongo kolisi, SUTT ke fa'u ha polokalama ke ta'ofi'aki 'a e palopalema ko'eni. Ka ko e me'a 'oku hoko heni, 'oku tuku ia ke hoko e palopalema pea toki valau takai holo. Fakamanatu atu ko e palopalema ko'eni 'oku totofu ai 'a mamani kotoa, pea 'oku a'u kihe mate. 'Oku 'ikai ko Toloa pe mo 'Atele. 'Oku 'ikai fakapotopoto ia ke tapuni 'a e ongo kolisi kae ta'eako ai ha fanau 'e laungeau 'o e 'otu Tonga. 'Oku toe lahi ange palopalema ia ai. SAIA (Tupou College Alumni Association of America).
Malo Sesimanif 'a ho'o tānaki
Malo Sesimanif 'a ho'o tānaki mai ki he ngaahi fokotu'u ni pea kapau ko e mēmipa koe 'o e SAIA pea 'oku mahino pe 'a e ongo kiate koe 'a e fokotu'u ke fakataha'i 'a e ongo 'apiako ni he ko e tautonu. Ka 'oku tonu foki ke toe o'o ange kiate koe mo ho kaungā akó 'a e ngaahi maumau mo e fakapukupuku kuo hoko ki he ngaahi fāmili tokolahi pea mo e toenga 'o e Siasi 'oku ha'a kinautolu 'a e ako'anga ni tupu mei he ta'etokanga'i mo tafi-ke-fufū 'a e mo'oni 'o e 'uhinga 'oku kei hokohoko mai ai 'a e fekainaki fakaako ni. 'Oku tupu eni mei he vilitaki 'e kimoutolu ke kei 'ufi'ufi'i pe 'a e me'a ni tokua he 'oku tonu pe ia ke hoko pea ko e "fakatamaiki". Ko ho'o tali ke tokofiha 'a e maté, lavelaveá, mo e mole 'o e ngaahi faingamalie ki he akó kae toki mahino kiate koe mo ho kau takangá 'oku 'ikai ko ha fakatamaiki eni?
'Oku ke tuku mai 'a e ngaahi fakatātā 'a 'ene hoko e ngaahi me'a pehe ni 'i māmani ke fakaai 'aki 'a e hoko 'a e me'a ni 'i Tongá koe'uhi tokua ke tau tali lelei mo nonga pē he ko e me'a kuo pau ke hoko. 'Oku ou me'apango'ia 'i he ha'u 'a e fakakaukau mamaha pehe ni mei he uhouhonga 'o e kolisi tutuku 'a Nafualu mo e kau Matematika. Ka 'oku ou tui ko e taha ia 'o e me'a 'oku hoko ai 'a e makuku 'o e ngaahi 'aho ni he 'oku hā mai kuo puli mo ngalo 'a e taumu'a ne fatu 'aki 'a e ako'anga ni pea me'a tēpuu foki 'a e tokāteline 'oku tanumaki'aki 'a e mo'ui faka-kalisitiane 'a e Siasi. 'Oku 'i ai ho kau takanga mei he "'unga" 'oku nau lolotonga sivisivi'i lelei honau konisenisi faka-kalisitiane mo vakai'i na'a kuo taimi ke fakamu'omu'a 'a fakamolemole 'ia fakamafutofuta.
Well written, Sefita! (SAIA,
Well written, Sefita! (SAIA, sush, sush! You have done enough!) 'Oku toe matu'aki mahu'inga ki he ngaahi siasi mo e ngaahi ako'anga ke nau lalaka leva 'o tali mo taukave'i 'oku 'ikai lo-tolu pe 'a e mo'ui 'a e tangata - ka 'oku lo-nima. 'Oku kau mai 'ene mo'ui fakasosiale mo hono fakahounga'i mo mapule'i 'ene ngaahi ongo ki hono tataki 'ene mo'ui. Ko e matavaivai ia 'o e ngaahi siasi mo e ngaahi ako'anga 'oku nau kei fononga he mo'ui lo-tolu ko e 'ikai ke nau fakatokanga'i ko e 'uhinga ia 'oku 'ikai malava ai 'e he'enau fanau 'o feangai lelei fakasosiale mo mapule'i honau ongo - a eni pe ia 'oku tofanga ai e case ko eni.
Saia kou tui oku 'ikai ke
Saia kou tui 'oku 'ikai ke 'uhinga 'a Rev. Dr Tevita Havea ke tapuni 'a e ako fkkatoa ka ko e ako nofo ma'u pe ke ta'ofi he fo'i ta'u 'e hongofulu, ka e foki e fanau ki he tafa'aki e matu'a.
'Oku 'ikai ko e solova'anga
'Oku 'ikai ko e solova'anga ia e palopalema ke ta'ofi pe tuku e fakalele e ako'anga, 'oku lelei 'aupito pe e fakalele ia 'o e ako'anga he taimi ni, tatau pe 'a Toloa mo 'Atele ... ko e palopalema ia ko e me'a fakafo'ituitui pe ia 'a e tangata, pea ko e ngaue leva ia 'a e kakai 'oku responsible ki he tangata fkfo'ituitui koia ko hono 'oange 'a e me'a totonu ke ne fai ... he 'ikai ke tau toe lave ki ai he kuo 'osi mahino pe 'a e tafa'aki ia koia ... ka ko e kole, ke 'ai mu'a tauhi 'a e fanau ke Mo'oni ... ko hai 'a e Mo'oni? ... ko Sisu pe ... ka tauhi e fanau, pea tauhi 'ia Sisu, ma'a Sisu ... 'ofa atu.
Malo e felafoaki,pea 'oku ou
Malo e felafoaki, pea 'oku ou tui pe na'a ma'u heni ha lelei ki he ongo Kolisi. Fakamanatu atu ko e ongo maa'imoa fisifisimu'a 'eni 'a e Tama Tu'i 'Uluaki. Na'ane afio'i pe 'e ia 'a e ako 'alu mo e ako nofoma'u ki Toloa. Ka 'e lava fefe ke u 'alo'alo mai mei Vava'u lahi he pongipongi kotoa ki he ako. Koe 'uhinga ia hono fokutu'u 'a e ako nofoma'u ke fakafaingamalie 'aki kimautolu mei Ha'apai, Vava'u, Niua mo 'Eua ke 'omai 'emau fanau 'o tuku mai ki Tongatapu ki he ako, fakata'u, ka mau fokoutua pe mei tahi. Na'e 'ikai ke fa'u pe 'a e Kolisi ko Tupou ki Tongatapu 'ata'ata pe. Na'e fa'u ki Tonga katoa. 'Oku totonu ke tau hanga 'o tanumaki 'a e visone 'a e tama Tu'i 1, he ko e visone 'oku faka 'Otua, kae 'oua 'e feinga ke veteki. Kohai au, kohai koe, ke ta feinga ke veteki 'a e visone fisifisimu'a 'a e Tama Tu'i 1 na'e tukutukulaumea mai meihe kuohili koe'uhi ko hono kakai. Ta feinga ke tanumaki 'a e maa'imoa ni, neongo 'oku 'i ai hono ngaahi faingata'a. Ko e matangi 'oku to pe mo 'alu, ka 'oku 'ikai 'uhinga ia ke veteki ai ha visone 'oku faka 'Otua. Mole ke mama'o ha'aku poupou'i 'a e hia ko'eni 'a e fanau Kolisi ko Tupou. Ko e ngaahi fakatata 'oku 'oatu, ko e 'ai pe keke me'a kiai, na'a ma'u ai ha'o fakakaukau ki hono fakalelei'i 'o e palopalema ni. 'Oku 'i ai 'eku maheni laka hake he ta'u 35 ki hono solova 'o e ngaahi palopalema ni, pea koe 'uhinga ia 'eku 'oatu 'a e fakamatalani keke 'ilo ki ai. Ko e tui ki ai mo e fai ki ai, ko ho'o totonu faka-e-'Otua, mo ho'o totonu faka-e-tangata ia 'a 'au keke tui ki ai pe 'ikai. 'Oku mahu'inga kete 'ilo ki he ngaahi me'a kotoa pe 'o e mamani. Pea te toki fili mei ai 'a e me'a 'oku te tui kiai, moia 'oku 'ikai tete tui kiai. (Fakamolemole atu kihe Matagi Tonga na'a 'oku vevea'ia homou 'ofisi, saipe kapau 'e hiki hake seniti 25 'eta totongi). (I love you guys). SAIA.