Disordered cabinet and parliament faces no ordinary budget
Monday, May 21, 2018 - 17:57
The composition of Tonga's Cabinet and Parliament remains in the most disordered state we have witnessed since the nation embarked on a democratic reform process in 2010. While uncertainties remain in the forefront, the big task ahead for cabinet and parliament is the National Annual Budget to be passed before 1 July. For historical reasons, this year it's no ordinary budget.
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Interesting story, perhaps
Interesting story, perhaps you could have dwelled more on Tu'ivakanoo term as PM.
I'd question the Kings right to withhold his consent passed by parliament or to withhold consent to the appointment and dismissal of minister's and governors.
It's quite unfortunate that the first democratically elected PM was dismissed at the whim of the King. Incompetent and fraudulent in some instances but nevertheless they were democratically elected. In hindsight it wasn't a politically savvy move by the King as not only were returned but they were returned with an overwhelming majority.
Our democracy is in its infancy and errors will be made. The PM should be mindful of the things he campaigned strongly against eg Nepotism to ensure that he doesn't fall for the trapping of power.
I do not consider this government to be more corrupt than past governments but perhaps they can certainly be more cohesive in their approach.
When the populace of a nation
When the populace of a nation becomes disgruntled with its leaders , alarm bells ring! action must be taken to find the problem, and when found, it must be isolated. That was the reason the government was dissolved and the Premier dismissed. The king has the authority under the constitution to do all that. So it was up to the people to decide, and so they did, and so the grumbling and smutty innuendo just keeps going on and on. No ones perfect, but this government tops the list as the most dysfunctional, Tonga has had since adopting the Western Parliamentarian method of governing.