Tonga Airports Ltd. has declared a $1.3 million pa'anga annual dividend for 2014-15, payable to its shareholder the Government of the Kingdom of Tonga.
The Chairman of Tonga Airports Ltd. board of directors, Mr Lisiate A. ‘Akolo with TAL board directors, Mr Va’inga Palu, Mr Michael A. Bloomfield, Mr Tomifa Paea and the Chief Executive Officer of Tonga Airports Ltd. Mr Viliami Ma’ake, presented to the Minister of Public Enterprises, Hon. Poasi Tei, a cheque for $1.3 million pa’anga. This is TAL’s dividend declared for 2014-15 during its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, 9 December 2015.
This is the highest dividend amount paid from Tonga Airports Ltd. to the Government of Tonga. The dividend represents seventy-five percent of the total profit after tax raised by the company. Revenue earned during the 2014-15 financial year had, for the first time since the company’s inception, exceeded the $10m mark.
Tonga Airports Ltd. serves the people of the Kingdom of Tonga with airport services at Fua’amotu International Airport, Tongatapu; Lupepau’u Airport, Vava’u; Salote Pilolevu Airport, Ha’apai; Kaufana Airport, ‘Eua; Mata’aho Airport, Niuafo’ou; and Lavinia Airport at Niuatoputapu.
In announcing the dividend, TAL stated today that it aims to provide a safe and efficient airport environment that is both welcoming to travellers and commercially successful to airline and business partners.
"Continuous upgrading of the airports offers improved customer facilities while ensuring full compliance with all international regulations. In doing so, we aim to encourage increased passenger traffic and aircraft movements and contribute to the growth and development of the nation," TAL stated.