It seems by Mr. Kava's post-response to my rebuttal struck a nerve. His point of Tonga's economic priority, and "reform is worthless" is quite shortsighted and misses the mark for Tonga's economic problems today and for the future. Reform for Tonga will have far more impact to Tonga's economy than a robust economy to Tongan reform. In a robust economy the people that stand to benefit most is the king and royal family. I don't think there's an argument there. In his anguish now Mr. Kava demands answers. I am reminded of a coined phrase from the movie "A Few Good Men, "You can't handle the truth!!!" Moreover, we discover from Mr. Kava's last post that he may favor change but he's a bit peculiar of how he wants it to occur, "I am advocating changes that we as individual Tongans must accomplish first before a real Political change can be successful and make change." In an ideal world that's wonderful, but I argue the attitudes of Tongans have been receptive to change and reform for some time now. Over the past half-century Tongans have been making a natural procession toward the West.
And while Mr. Kava's utopian idea of selecting and accepting ideals and systems of democracy that are acceptable, it may as well be impossible. I can't recall the last country to implement half-democracy-half-monarchy government.
The corruption he eludes in his post, "We are blind until we see that it is hopeless to talk political changes if corruption remain unchecked", and the incompetence - "There are too many people who are involved in the decision making process that are either do not know what they are doing or are corrupting the system for their own benefit." And so I ask, "How can this happen in a single party system, and the people making all the rules (laws) nominate / appoint their own people and police themselves?" The answer to that is, its quite simple. It's been happening in Tonga for some time now. I truly think Mr. Kava is a little confused on this point. If there are no adequate systems in place, how can you root out and extinguish officials that are incompetent or corrupt? You can't impeach an official that wasn't elected.
Further Mr. Kava states, "In vain we make adjustments to any political system, if we do not first change our attitude and action." His confusion in his statement is his waning attitude that lacks action - leaders lead, especially during times of need; they don't do it because of peoples acceptable attitudes, or for popularity sake, they do it for the greater good. If Mr. Kava wants my answers to what form of democracy I propose, here it is. I concur with the report that was submitted in proxy by the late Prince Tu'ipelehake. (I'm repeating myself here, but its no surprise to me - to get the point across.) It's the closest model for reform that is official of any proposal that may be acknowledged by Parliament and the king. If Mr. Kava wants to know how it will be implemented. Please tell him to ask our beloved king. The issue of political reform hangs in the balance with the king, and everybody in the world knows it. Not a lick of difference Mr. Kava or I can say that will dramatically change things. All I know is this - during events of national crisis in our world's history, true leaders have always emerged from within their society to lead, implement, and guide entire civilizations out of times of depression. They not only revive the people, but bring about change and Tonga is no different in its current crisis. The king is the one person who has the most pivotal role in crafting real solutions, and change for Tonga. There is a religious proverb that goes, "many are called, but few are chosen." Well, how do we know who among us are chosen? Quite simply people are drawn to those that are chosen. People gravitate towards those that share common values.
Lastly Mr. Editor, please relay to Mr. Kava that he doesn't have to feel sorry for me. I live rather comfortably in an affluent society similar to his in America Samoa. And if I failed to articulate in my posts that I know how a democracy operates, please know I am well connected and well involved in our local, and state government. While Mr. Kava fails to acknowledge the breadth of freedom in America Samoa's republic, and belittles the country that provides that very freedom. It seems quite unpatriotic and confirms his hate for America, as the "inventor of corruption." Yet he lives in an American territory, go figure. It's quite puzzling and just as confusing as some of his points raised. What's more entertaining are some of his self-proclaimed titles in his posts. I know people like that - that try to be more than who they are - they're called politicians.
Vote for me!
'Alipate Sanft
asanft [at] mangofinancial [dot] com