Interplast Australia and New Zealand team will visit Tonga from 11 25 September 2010 to assist Tongan National Health Services to conduct specialist consultation clinics and perform plastic and reconstructive surgery services. - Australian High Commission.
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Results for Press Releases
Wednesday 1 September 2010
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga

Wednesday 1 September 2010
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Prime Minister, Dr. the Hon Feleti Vaka'uta Sevele, yesterday stated that Justice Andrew's statement that Cabinet had prematurely discontinued his appointment as Supreme Court judge was totally untrue and that Cabinet did no more than accede to his request to resign early from his appointment in order to take up a new one in Australia. - Issued by Prime Minister's Office.

Tuesday 31 August 2010
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Suva, Fiji
The Australian Government today said it had not altered visa eligibility arrangements for Tongans.

Monday 30 August 2010
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Washington, DC and Hong Kong, SAR China
The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), a member of the World Bank Group, today launched its Asian hub, operating from Hong Kong, SAR China and Singapore - expanding the agency's reach beyond its Washington, DC headquarters and signaling a strong emphasis on inbound and outbound Asian investment.

Friday 20 August 2010
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The New Zealand company, Horton Media Limited - the largest independent contract newspaper printer in New Zealand and Australia - has apologised to the Prime Minister, Dr the Hon. Feleti Vaka'uta Sevele, for having printed issues of the Kele'a newspaper that contained articles that were untrue and defamatory. Horton Media Limited has also made a payment towards the Hon Prime Minister's legal costs of the proceedings. - Prime Minister's Office, Tonga.

Wednesday 18 August 2010
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Electoral Commission formally met for the first time at 2.30pm on Friday 13 August at the office of the Commission in Nuku'alofa. It will meet on as required basis, but Pita Vuki will be responsible for the daily operations of the Commission.

Friday 13 August 2010
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Honiara, Solomon Islands
RAMSI Special Coordinator, Graeme Wilson, expressed his deepest regret at the tragic death of a Solomon Islands man in a fatal shooting by RAMSI security forces on the outskirts of Honiara yesterday, August 12.

Friday 13 August 2010
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Apia, Samoa
The Pacific Media Association (PacMA) was formed in Apia, Samoa, today at a meeting of media representatives from around the Pacific region. The new organisations stated goals are to promote and defend the values of media freedom, ethics, good governance, and to provide training for all media in the Pacific region.

Tuesday 10 August 2010
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New Zealand
There have been sharp disagreements that threaten the effectiveness of the Forum. The most visible of those has been about how to encourage Fiji to return to democracy. There is an official Forum process that is trying to establish a dialogue with Fiji, but different approaches between the strong language used by Australia and New Zealand (recently toned down) and the desire of Pacific countries to stay engaged with Fiji. - OXFAM

Monday 9 August 2010
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Port Vila, Vanuatu
Today (August 6) Pacific leaders agreed to invite the World Bank Group as an Official Observer of the Pacific Islands Forum PIF, the premier grouping of regional leaders. The Observer status is an important step forward for cooperation between Pacific governments and development partners.

Thursday 5 August 2010
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
JICA Tonga Office is to hold a Flower Offering Ceremony in memory of the Late Mr Hiroshi Umeda, Senior Volunteer dispatched as a Marine Electric Engineer to Shipping Corporation of Polynesia, and all those who lost their lives in the tragic sinking of the MV Princess Ashika on 5 August 2009. The memorial begins at 5pm today at the Faua Wharf (behind Freddys Butcher). - JICA Press Release.

Saturday 31 July 2010
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Customs & Trade Division of the Ministry for Revenue Services has been undertaking an operation targeting high risk sea freight consignments to detect the introduction of counterfeit goods, under-valued or misdescribed goods and other breaches of Customs legislation.

Thursday 29 July 2010
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Sydney, Australia
Despite being launched only a year ago by Pacific leaders, the negotiations on the Pacific trade agreement known as PACER-Plus are slipping away from the Islands. The bureaucratic forces and power politics of the region's bigger neighbours are already shaping the agenda and outcomes of negotiations in a direction different to the developmental aspirations of the Pacific.

Friday 2 July 2010
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Noumea, New Caledonia
The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), and the Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD, French Research Institute for Development) with the European Commission (EC) have concluded a five-day meeting today, culminating with a set of agreed 'roadmaps' for project activities under the Pacific Europe Network for Science and Technology (PACE-Net) project.

Wednesday 30 June 2010
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Paris, France
Commodore Frank Bainimarama, Reporters Without Borders strongly condemns your decision to promulgate the Media Industry Development Decree yesterday, as it marks a dangerous step backwards for press freedom and media development in Fiji.

Tuesday 29 June 2010
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The first and historical summit between the 21 Arab League countries and 12 Pacific Island States was devoted to "Prospects for Cooperation between the Arab world and the Pacific Islands" and held in Abu Dhabi on Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th June, 2010. It was a unique and historic occasion for dialogue between the League of Arab States and the Pacific Islands, sharing perspectives on the current and future challenges faced by the respective regions.

Sunday 27 June 2010
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New Delhi, India
Ban Asbestos Network of India (BANI) appeals to the imminent G-20 and G-8 summit during June 26-27 in Toronto to persuade Canadian and Russian government to stop promoting export of asbestos which is an exercise in trade distortion. Dr Manmohan Singh is also attending the summit.

Sunday 27 June 2010
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Nadi, Fiji
A meeting at the Tanoa Hotel in Nadi this week backed a call on the UN to hold a global summit on non-communicable diseases NCDs, to include them in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and to create a global fund for NCD prevention and control.

Wednesday 16 June 2010
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Noumea, New Caledonia
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) are working together to identify opportunities for joint information and communication technology (ICT) initiatives in the Pacific Islands region.

Thursday 3 June 2010
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Suva, Fiji
The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) in collaboration with the Australian Centre of International Agriculture Research (ACIAR) is organising a half-day seminar to create awareness on the potential of the senile coconut palm with the theme, 'Coconut Wood High Quality Flooring A New Potential Industry for the Pacific'.