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Results for Letters

Friday 10 February 2006
New Mexico, USA
My name is Scott Jones, and I was Tessa Horan's partner/companion/boyfriend in New Mexico. I wanted to thank you for the articles you have written about Tessa. She was extremely special to me, and many others, and we appreciate the great respect and honor she has been shown by the Tongan people and your online publication. - Scott Jones.
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Wednesday 1 February 2006
London, UK
It doesn't amaze me to see another controversial political scandal with Tongan politicians in the media again. This time, it is a well-known noble figure and Speaker of the House. - William Mariner
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Tuesday 31 January 2006
I am dismayed to hear recent reports that the Tongan people have yet to receive a response from the King regarding the status of the reform process. I understand the process of reforming the Constitution can be lengthy, and maybe the People's deadline was a little too early, (although some say the King has had decades to make this change), or maybe the King's medical condition has made progress slow. However, that is no excuse to not let the Tongan people know the status of the process in plain terms. - John Maloney
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Sunday 29 January 2006
California, USA
I came across your website for the first time approximately 3-4 years ago, and since then, it has been very educational and entertaining. As such, it has been a tremendous pleasure for me to utilize the same to learn more about our Kingdom Island. ... I hope that the on-going political changes in the Kingdom Island will bring hope, fairness, and chance for the poor people of Tonga to live comfortably- just like their superiors. How can the government and its high officials sleep well at night, knowing their people are suffering?. - Joe
Sunday 29 January 2006
Auckland, New Zealand
The recent threat by teachers to go on strike is understandable and fully justified to me. If the claim is true that teachers who took part in the strike are treated unfairly (and I have evidence to believe that this is the case) then I'll only have to say "Let us heal the psychological and spiritual wounds of the 2005 strike first. Further, it's about time for some heads to roll, particularly those in Education who intentionally stirred up this unnecessary commotion." - Sailosi Finau
Sunday 22 January 2006
Auckland, New Zealand
Government teachers' threat to go on strike in response to the Ministry of Education's staffing and transfer exercise has come as no surprise at all. Teachers have, in the past, tended not to question the staffing exercise in general but the effect of the strike last year seems to have created an atmospere of suspicion regarding the motives of the education department.
Saturday 21 January 2006
Auckland, New Zealand
It is always a blessing to be in Tonga for the Po Le'o and the Uike Lotu. I cannot describe the warmth in my heart to walk up once again to the front of my village church and fe'iloaki with the kau Malanga Pole'o as well as everyone else in the village church. - Sailosi Finau
Wednesday 18 January 2006
Sydney, Australia
It comes at no surprise that the government is now trying to stifle the promotion and transfer system of teachers who are qualified and based on established rules. What the Education Dept is attempting to do is to frustrate PSA efforts to return Tonga's public service to pre-strike normality. Effectively, the government is now resorting to extra-ordinary bullying tactics by re-arranging the transfer/promotion system in a way that they hope will catch teachers out. - Jason Faletau
Wednesday 18 January 2006
Barrow, Alaska,USA
We are the chosen people of our Heavenly Father. We have a destiny to fulfill, a life to live, a contribution to make, a goal to achieve. The future of our country in these rapidly changing times awaits our mark of influence. - Siosaia Moimoiangaha
Monday 16 January 2006
I am sorry to say I find these so called educators (and I use the term loosely) who are threatening to strike yet again just because they are not getting the post they want. I thought the utmost want for them was a fair day's pay for supposedly a fair day's work. And for the benefit of the country they got it and at the cost of 95% of Tongans who don't work for the government, but that is another story as I digress. - A Very Annoyed Parent
Friday 13 January 2006
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
My daughter has been in Tonga High School for the past two years, during that time we have had endless problems with teachers not turning up for classes. I had approached the Principal, the Deputy Principal and also the Ministry of Education, at that time to no avail. Some teachers had legitimate reasons for being away but at this time the Education Department does not have a relief teaching system in place. I spoke with students right from the lower forms up to Form 7 and it seemed to be a common occurrence that some teachers at their own will skipped their classes. - Donna Taumoepeau
Wednesday 4 January 2006
Sydney, Australia
Disappointment in the so-called political reformists (those who have submitted proposed changes to the political system) in Tonga, for want of details in their proposed reforms, has been voiced in this forum and I must say that those who share the sentiment have a valid point. The reformists talk about constitutional changes and appointments of Ministers but, as far as I am aware, are silent on the nature of the political system they want to replace the present one with. - Lisiate Ikaafu
Wednesday 4 January 2006
Tallahassee, Florida,USA
I am dismayed to read articles in the Matangi that have portrayed Tonga's entry into the WTO as terrible move for the Tongan people. With all due respect to OXFAM, (who has made it their business to criticize the world's largest trading organization), Tonga's entry into the WTO is a milestone for the nation. - John Maloney
Wednesday 4 January 2006
‘Api ko Siatahi, USA
His Majesty Taufa'ahau Tupou IV directed Tonga through tough times since he became the King. His love for his people is unmatched. I would like to make an attempt to voice my belief in his vision. Please bear with me as I share these humble thoughts. - Siosaia Moimoiangaha
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Thursday 29 December 2005
London, United Kingdom
I am alarmed that the current Prince Regent, Lavaka Ata has lost touch with reality and of family sense with this insensitive misjudgement. With Christmas gone and New Year coming, Lavaka Ata has just opened more doors to more enemies over some Royal Cow! Now, we've got Tongans and Samoans having a legitimate reason for his resignation. - William Mariner
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Thursday 29 December 2005
The year (2005) is about to turn and leave us all in the dust and 2006 is upon us. I have patiently waited to see the Political Reformers (Edwards, Niu, Pohiva, et al) detailed plan for this reformation. So far, nothing worth spitting! I am restless and I am close to giving up on some of our own reformers. So far, they claim to have THE plan but they are not willing to share it with the public. What's up with this? - TamaFoa
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Wednesday 28 December 2005
Auckland, New Zealand
It is that time of the year where we are reminded of the birth of Christ more than two thousand years ago. Certainly the day has been overshadowed by the commercial promotions of the business community and most, if not all, are focusing on parties, food and clothes but I believe it is very important for us to reflect on the spirituality of the day. - Sailosi Finau
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Wednesday 28 December 2005
I would like to thank all the staff in Matangi Tonga for their contribution towards supplying numerous unbiased and informative news from the mainland during this most interesting year for all Tongans. - William Mariner
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Thursday 22 December 2005
Suva, Fiji
I have been reading heaps of writings, suggestions, comments and opinions of academics, commoners, government and fellow Tongans abroad. What I can't seem to figure is the crux of the problem. Is it the government or the people or perhaps both? - Feleti S.
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Sunday 18 December 2005
California, USA
Please give Kaveinga e Folau, (Journey and Purpose), thanks on the great piece of writing, King wanted people to achieve economic freedom . I can only say Brilliant, outstanding, distinguished, first-rate. - Siosaia Moimoiangaha
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