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Results for Letters

Wednesday 8 December 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
As a Tongan living here, I would rather respect the law than someone who purports to be bringing in something in the guise that it is for Tonga Rugby League. Customs did a good thing by sending out a message that such illegal imports will not be tolerated. - Monalisa Palu.
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Tuesday 7 December 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tom Fowler's suggestion for the wine that was seized by Tonga Customs to be sold at ten pa'anga a bottle. What happens to those legitimate importers who bring in identical wine which has a landed cost in Tonga of 15 pa'anga per bottle? Not very fair to honest traders, eh? - Tony Wilson.
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Monday 6 December 2010
San Mateo,California, USA
I read your article regarding Tonga's new "tough" laws against alcohol (over) consumption. What is the legal threshold (legal limit) under the new law that determine a motorist is legally drunk and unlawful to operate a vehicle. - 'Alipate Sanft.
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Sunday 5 December 2010
Papua New Guinea
Tonga's candidate to the Miss South Pacific Pagaent 2010, Mafi Tu'inukuafe was immaculate. She was a real gem for the event and surprised many of the audience with her character, charm, wit and beauty. If ever Tonga needed someone to boost its image at a time like this, she was a godsend and she made me even prouder to be a Tongan in Papua New Guinea. - John Paul Chapman.
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Wednesday 24 November 2010
Melbourne, Australia
My personal opinion is that in 1952 Prince Tupouto'a-Tungï (then Premier of Tonga) arranged for the purchase of the property by the Government of Tonga and that Queen Sālote agreed to the purchase because of her growing family – and the likelihood of grandchildren later being educated in Auckland, as she had been – and because of the promised hostels for Tongan students, in whose welfare she took a great interest. - Besi Wood-Ellem.
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Tuesday 23 November 2010
Auckland, New Zealand
We've done copra, bananas and other agricultural produce. We have plucked and plumbed the depths of our seas and reefs but none appears to be sustainable for long. Our labour exports are at its infancy with potential to address poverty, social issues and to provide economically through foreign exchange earnings. - Sefita Hao'uli.
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Monday 15 November 2010
I find it almost funny that there has been a vacuum in the process of putting together the important pieces that are needed to run a ship. A good plan would have included the crew in the delivery trip to give the crew hands on experience and receive advice from the builder's delivery crew. - John Emberson.
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Friday 12 November 2010
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Enough visits from U.S. Government officials to thank Tonga for her unselfish contribution to the wars in the Middle East (Chairman US Joint Chiefs . . . 10 Nov 2010). Admiral Michael Mullen should see the need to buildup the Tongan Defense Services for future services, and Tonga will always be a friend to the People of America, and England. - Sione Akemeihakau Mokofisi.
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Thursday 11 November 2010
New Zealand
Let me start by saying as our mortality becomes more fragile, with the passing of time, we sometimes reflect on decisions taken that seemed perfectly sensible at the time you made them. I refer in my case to my time as Chief Executive of Tonga Investments (1994-98) when I influenced the then Board of Directors to exit commodity exports by closing down Primary Produce Exports Limited (PPEL). - Wayne Madden.
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Friday 5 November 2010
Suva, Fiji
I wish to express my dismay at the proposed sale of 'Atalanga as a private property without much regard to taxpayers whose taxes have been used to maintain the residence. - Fred Kavaha'apai.
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Thursday 4 November 2010
Auckland, New Zealand
I am amused by lawyer Nic Fisher's letter to Mr Sione Fonua in relation to the proposed sale of 'Atalanga. The letter contained some elements of intimidation that made us Tongans laugh rather than fear. Even our Tongan kids in the elementary school found Mr Fisher's warning to be very entertaining and laughable. - Dr Fotu K.V. Fisi'iahi.
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Monday 25 October 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
'Ahongalu Fusimalohi the head of Tonga's Football Federation, is among six FIFA officers who have been suspended from taking part in any football related activity (administrative, sports or any other) by the FIFA's Ethics Committee, from October 20, 2010.
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Friday 1 October 2010
Wellington,New Zealand
While the Christchurch earthquake has not affected me personally, it has severely affected my family and friends, and the kindness and generosity of your people is absolutely outstanding and has really touched my heart. - Lissette Trewern.
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Friday 1 October 2010
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
It's been 135 years since modern Tonga was introduced to the world of politics, business, religion, and education. Haven't we gotten just one qualified judge? It is time to break the mold. We must eliminate the flawed idea that only Papalangis are capable of being smart, intellectual, honest, and trustworthy. The longer we keep our lot in an inferior status, the longer we will deny ourselves the opportunities to excel. - Sione Akemeihakau Mokofisi.
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Wednesday 8 September 2010
Brisbane, Australia
Surely, something is wrong with how the government relates to its senior legal professions. Two attorney generals and two judges ended their contract with the government in highly controversial fashion. - Tino Funaki.
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Sunday 22 August 2010
Some of us may not see the mutual benefit that Tonga, U.S. and Allied Force reap from each other. It is 2010, the world has become globalised and we cannot function efficiently and effectively without the company of each other. Tonga's military is part of the Allied. There may be a cost of being part of the Allied and going to Afghanistan, but in the long run, benefits still outweigh the costs. - Sosaia Mila.
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Saturday 14 August 2010
The Maritime Monument Design competition launched this week is a sad attempt at reparation that is far too little and comes way too late. The memorial wall was a selfless gift to the families of the victims in the hope that it would go some way towards appeasing their grief.- Tanya Edwards.
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Friday 23 July 2010
Pangai, Ha'apai
"If you pay peanuts, then you get monkeys." Maybe so . . . but basic needs must come first: health care, education, and the maintenance of basic community infrastructuremust come first . . . well before salaries of parliamentarians. - P. A. Langi.
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Thursday 15 July 2010
Auckland, New Zealand
I am pleased to see the surge in the energy debate. I've been a strong advocate of alternative energy sources to be considered by Tongan on two fronts: One is the appropriate alternative technology. The second front that we need to consider, centralized power generation and ownership has brought us this far but we need to understand and accept its limitations and change accordingly. - Sefita Hao'uli.
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Monday 12 July 2010
In Australia wind turbines are an immediate alternative for cleaner, relatively cheap and considerably safer energy. It has the benefit of a low cost in maintenance compared to a nuclear power station. A couple of those wind turbines combined with power generated by bio diesel from coconuts would fulfill Tongan power requirements and any excess power on windy days can be used to melt down the rusty broken cars that litter the Tongan countryside. - Vilo Niumeitolu.
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