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Monday 26 May 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Highlights from Tonga's newspapers, May 5-22, 2008. An English translation summary by Tevita Fonua.
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Monday 26 May 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Tautahi Gold thrashed the Upolu Samoa 11-3 and brought to Tonga for the first time the 2008 IRB Pacific Cup in the final of the tournament at Apia Park, Samoa, on Friday, May 23.
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Sunday 25 May 2008
'Oku fu'u faka'ofa 'aupito 'a e 'ata mai 'o e ngaahi tala'a ko'eni' he 'oku 'ikai ko ha'ane toki hoko eni. Ne lahi 'ene 'asi mai mo hono fehu'ia he kuohili' ka na'e pehe'i hifo pe pea hange kuo molia ai pe 'o 'ikai 'ilo pe ko e ha koa' e mo'oni. Ko e ngaahi palopalema pehe ni 'oku ne hoha'asi e ngaahi loto pe 'oku kei lele totonu nai e ngaahi hako 'ea totonu' he ngaahi hingoa Nopele pe 'ikai. - Joshua Nehasi
Sunday 25 May 2008
Auckland, New Zealand
The Langafonua Tu'uloa Party is challenging the remaining in office of the four Cabinet Ministers who were appointed by the late king, Taufa'ahau Tupou IV IN 2005.
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Saturday 24 May 2008
Fefe nai e konga koeni: Ne 'ikai maumau, pea 'oku 'ikai maumau, ha kupu he Konisitutone he ko e mafai pe ia 'o e Tu'i ki hono fakanofo minisita ha taha, ne ngaue'aki ke fakanofo Minisita e kau tama ni. 'E ala kalo nai e kau tama ki he tafa'aki ko ia? - Kaniseli Tupou
Saturday 24 May 2008
Melipoane, 'Aositelelia
Ka 'oku totonu ke fai mo fakamahino ki he kakai, kapau 'e temokalati kakato 'a e fonua, 'oku 'ikai ko e 'osi ia 'a e palopolema. He ko e taha e palopolema 'e malava ke hoko ko e fe'au'auhi fakakulupu (Party) pe kofe kulupu tene taki e fonua. He ko e kamata 'eni ia ke mahu'inga 'ia e kakai 'i he hu ki Falealea, fakatatau ki he fu'u kau kanititeiti 'o e ta'u ni. - Manuvakai e Kolosi Saute
Friday 23 May 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
In a paternity suit brought by his uncle, the Tongan noble Hon. Havea Tuiha'ateiho appeared in the Nuku'alofa Land Court today.
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Friday 23 May 2008
Pago Pago, American Samoa
Only 38% (less than half) of the registered voters of Tongatapu cast votes in this past election. The country is going to be guided by the minority, a democracy by the few and for the fewer. - Mafi ‘o Amerika Samoa
Thursday 22 May 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A jury today acquitted four of the seven men charged with multiple offences relating to the riots of November 16, 2006, in a group trial at the Nuku'alofa Supreme Court, but they found the remaining three men guilty on some charges.
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Thursday 22 May 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Viewing the site where the Embassy of Japan in Tonga will be set up in January next year, and meeting senior government officials today was Hiroyuki Orikasa, the Counsellor and Special Assistant for Southeast Asian Issues of the Embassy of Japan in Fiji.
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Thursday 22 May 2008
Manila, Philippines
The establishment of Mafia Republics in the Asia Pacific region is a possibility, warned Dean Raul C. Pangalangan, the Professor of Law, University of the Philippines, in a key note speech to open the Transparency International Regional meeting in Manila, Philippines, on May 21. By Pesi Fonua
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Wednesday 21 May 2008
Sene, 'Aositelelia
'E 'ikai pe ha taimi ia 'e 'ata kovi ai 'a e Temokalati; ko e 'fili 'e he kakai 'a e ni'ihi 'i he kupu 'o e sosaieti ke nau hoko ko e pule'anga ke nau fakalele mo tu'utu'uni 'i ha vaha'a taimi pau ki he anga 'a hono pule'i 'o e fonua. Ko e ki'i faka'ali ko 'ena 'oku ngoto-'a-noa pe ia 'i he fu'u ano lelei 'o e Temokalati. - Sam
Wednesday 21 May 2008
Kole atu ki he Temo-Tonga ke nau fokotu'u atu e fakakaukau ko'enii ki he to'u falealea ko'eni. - Uili Finau
Wednesday 21 May 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a grant of US$11.3 million dollars ( $22 million pa'anga) for Tonga's Integrated Urban Development Project aimed at redeveloping roads and rehabilitation of the drainage system in Nuku'alofa.
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Wednesday 21 May 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The celebrations for the Coronation of HM King George Tupou V will begin in the capital on July 26 with various activities running until August 2, according to a sporting programme that was released today.
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Wednesday 21 May 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Australian High Commissioner to Tonga, Dr Bruce Hunt, donated $4,991 pa'anga to the Tonga Red Cross today under its Direct Aid Programme.
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Wednesday 21 May 2008
Suva, Fiji
As discussed in a May 12 meeting between Secretary of State Rice and Tonga Prime Minister Dr. Feleti Sevele, the U.S. Government is making a good-faith effort to find a way to provide periodic non-immigrant visa (NIV) services in Nuku‘alofa.
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Wednesday 21 May 2008
By Mohammad Bashir Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Preparations for Papua New Guinea's new national television station is on target and will be launched on September 16 as promised by the Prime Minister, Sir Michael Somare.
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Tuesday 20 May 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Tautahi Gold will play the reigning champions Upolu Samoa in the final of the 2008 Pacific Nation Cup on Saturday, May 24, in Samoa.
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Tuesday 20 May 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Kelepi 'Inoke pleaded guilty to stealing a safe containing $2,000 pa'anga from the TCF supermarket during the riots of November 16, 2006.
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