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Friday 28 October 2011
Suva, Fiji
To celebrate United Nations (UN) Day (24 October) UN organisations throughout the Pacific are highlighting their main aims and achievements. "UN Human Rights work in the Pacific is aimed at promoting and protecting human rights, particularly of the poorest, most excluded or marginalised. Our focus over the last five year period has been, and will continue to be, on victims of torture and ill treatment, victims of sexual and gender-based violence . . ." - Matilda Bogner.
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Friday 28 October 2011
Perth, WesternAustralia
The Secretary General of PIFS Tuiloma Neroni Slade today attended the opening ceremony of CHOGM being held in Perth, Western Australia. "My presence here in Perth as a Special Guest of the Commonwealth Secretary General is a concrete demonstration of our continuing interest in working closely with the Secretary General and Commonwealth Secretariat in our joint efforts to advance the interests of Pacific island countries". – SG of PIFS tuiloma Neroni Slade.
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Friday 28 October 2011
Suva, Fiji
Assistant Secretary Campbell and Ambassador Paul were joined by ambassadors from Fiji, the Federated States of Micronesia, Nauru, the Republic of Palau, Papua New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands (today, 28 October) to discuss challenges and opportunities in the Pacific region. - The U.S. State Department.
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Thursday 27 October 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The President of the International Olympic Committee, Mr Jacques Rogge, told Tongan students at Pangai Lahi on 26 October 2011, that if the success of the 'Ikale Tahi at the Rugby World Cup had such a positive impact on them, then they should look upon the players, the coach and the management of the team as their role models in whatever sports that they engaged in.
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Wednesday 26 October 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Reforms in countries, like Tonga, and some other Pacific Island countries have produced administrations with no clear and coherent national visions and who are unable to work as a team, regional public service representatives heard in Tonga this week. By Pesi Fonua.
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Wednesday 26 October 2011
Avondale,Auckland, New Zealand
In support of Chris Chapman's comments. I also think Teufaiva should be relocated to 'Atele to allow for more space plus all of the country's other sporting facilities are in this area. – Sione 'Ikale.
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Wednesday 26 October 2011
Washington DC,USA
The International Visitor Leadership Program for Journalists began in Washington DC on October 24, bringing together 150 journalists from around the world, including Linny Folau of Matangi Tonga Online, from Nuku'alofa.
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Wednesday 26 October 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
With the arrival of the International Olympic Committee President to Tonga this week, I'd like to draw attention to an issue much closer to home, our national stadium Teufaiva. In my view, Teufaiva Stadium is not at the standard it should be and as a country which prides itself with great sporting ability, I believe this should be upgraded into an asset which all Tongans can be proud of. - Chris Chapman.
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Tuesday 25 October 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Two people died instantly when the car that they were in went off Taufa'ahau Road at Pea, hit a power pole and crashed onto a tree, early on Saturday, 22 October.
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Tuesday 25 October 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Police searching for a missing 30 year old New Zealand tourist who failed to return from a trek on 'Eua on Friday, reported that the woman had been found alive and well.
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Monday 24 October 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
There was speculation and suspicion in the House that there was a hidden agenda behind the last minute rush by the Minister of Justice, Hon. Clive Edwards for a Bill to Amend the Supreme Court Act to be passed before the House closed on 20 October. From the House, by Pesi Fonua. Premium Content.
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Sunday 23 October 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Some simple arithmetic tells us that the House has met for only 164 hours this year - that's only 41 sittings - before they softly closed on Thursday October 21, before all their work was done. From the House, by Pesi Fonua.
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Sunday 23 October 2011
San Francisco,USA
Ko e lao ko'ena 'oku laulanu koe'uhi he 'oku fa'u pe ia ki he ki'i tokosi'i koia 'oku Memipa 'I he Falealea. Hangee kiate au ia 'oku mahu'inga ange 'a e mo'ui ia 'a e kau Memipa 'o e Falealea 'I he toenga 'o e kakai 'o Tonga. Kuo ha 'a e Pule'anga Fakatemokalati ia? kuo navu aipe 'e he ki'i tokosi'i ia ko'eni 'a e fu'u pa'anga lahi ko'eni 'a e fonua! – Sosaia Fatani.
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Sunday 23 October 2011
Ko e ngaahi fili kotoa pe 'oku malava ke tau fakahoko 'oku 'I ai hono nunu'a. Ko 'ete lele pe 'o fu'u totu'a fakatatau ki hoto malohi 'oku 'I ai leva hono anga. Fakasi'isi'i pe holi mo e kole noo 'o fu'u lahiange 'I hoto ivi pea 'oku totonu ke ngaue mai leva 'a e lao ia ki he kakai pehe ni. - Taiana Pilima.
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Friday 21 October 2011
Washington DC ,USA
I would like to congratulate and welcome Ms Christine Lagarde on her first Annual Meetings in her capacity as the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund. On behalf of the Tongan delegation, I would like to express my appreciation to the Fund and Bank for the excellent arrangements of this important meeting. – Hon. Sunia Fili.
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Friday 21 October 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Ko e fo'i Lao fakavalevale ko eni 'oku fokotu'u mai (ko e lao kene fakamafai'I 'a e Fakamau'anga ke ne fai ha tu'utununi ke puke ha koloa ha'a taha 'oku 'I ai hano mo'ua ki ha pangike), hangehange 'oku ne foaki 'e ia e mafai fakaleveleva ta'e fakapotopoto mo ta'e fakangatangata ki he ngaahi pangike ke nau fa'iteliha hono puke ha kelekele pe koloa pe 'a ha taha no 'e faingata'a'ia hono totongi ke ma'u 'enau pa'anga kae faingata'a'i 'a e fa'ahinga ia ko eni mo honau ngaahi famili ki he ngata'anga 'o 'enau mo'ui. 'Oku 'ikai ke fakakonisitutone ke foaki 'e ha lao ha mafai fakaleveleva ki ha taha pe pangike. – PV.
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Thursday 20 October 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's global ranking improved by four places between 2010 and 2011 in a new report from IFC and the World Bank that measures the ease of doing business. Jumping to 58th out of 183 economies, Tonga was ranked highest among all countries - excluding Australia and New Zealand - in the Pacific region. – IFC and World Bank.
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Wednesday 19 October 2011

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Mr Jacques Rogge, and his wife, Anne, will visit Tonga from October 25-27, 2011, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Tonga Amateur Sports Association. Tonga remains the only Pacific Island to have won a medal at the Olympic Games, a Silver Medal in boxing, at the Atlanta Olympic 1996 by Paea Wolfgramm, in the Super-heavy weight division. In 1984 TASANOC became a member of the International Olympic Committee.
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Wednesday 19 October 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga took another step toward connecting up to the Southern Cross Submarine Fiber Optic in Fiji and to the world high-speed communication network yesterday, October 18 when the Prime Minister, Lord Tu'ivakano presented Robert Bolouri, the manager of Tonga Cable Limited with a Wholesale Communications Licence.
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Tuesday 18 October 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Asian Development Bank ADB’s Board of Directors has approved a $6.06 million grant for the $14.59 million Nuku’alofa Urban Development Sector Project. The grant is sourced from ADB’s Special Funds resources. The Australian government will provide grant co-financing of about $6.44 million equivalent. - ADB.
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