Children from several kindergartens on Tongatapu celebrated Global Handwashing Day today, 15 October, under a theme “Hand Hygiene for All”. The day was introduced to reduce childhood mortality rates related respiratory and diarrhoeal diseases by a simple behavioural change - hand washing with soap.
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Results for New Zealand High Commissioner HE Tiffany Babington
Sunday 10 February 2019
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The 179th Anniversary of New Zealand’s National Day, Waitangi Day was celebrated on February 6, at the High Commissioner’s residence, Va’epopua, attended by Tonga's PM Hon. 'Akilisi Pohiva, who expressed dismay that some NZ politicians claimed that Tonga is a “failed state”.
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Friday 6 April 2018
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Prizes were awarded to winners of an Easter Quick Rip Rugby Lightning Tournament, by the New Zealand High Commissioner to Tonga HE Tiffany Babington. The event included mixed teams. "I encourage the girls to get out there because they are just as good as the boys," she said.
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