An appeal by Lord Lasike against his conviction on unlawful possession of ammunitions without a license, will be heard in October.
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Results for Lasike
Friday 17 August 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
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Monday 6 February 2012
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Three days after a motion to dismiss the auditor general was tabled into the Tongan Parliament by the Prime Minister, Lord Tu'ivakano and the Minister of Finance, Hon. Sunia Fili, the House still could not figure out how to deal with the motion. From January 31 to February 2 the House appeared to have made one step forward to make a decision, and then two steps backward to where it ended up. From the House, by Pesi Fonua
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Thursday 19 January 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
LORD Lasike, the Speaker of the Tonga Parliament was apprehended by police after his arrival at Fua'amotu International Airport today January 19.
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Friday 14 October 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Speaker of Parliament Lord Lasike appeared before Justice Shuster in closed chambers today after he failed to turn up in open court this morning for arraignment.
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Thursday 25 August 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Speaker of the Tongan Parliament, Lord Lasike will appear at the Supreme Court in Nuku'alofa on September 30 on a charge of the unlawful possession of ammunition, .22 rifle bullets.
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Monday 6 March 2006
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tongan nobleman Hon. Lasike appeared in the Nuku'alofa Magistrate's Court today charged with the crime of rape.
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Tuesday 3 May 2005
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Nobles 'Ahome'e, and Lasike have been chosen today as the new Nobles Representatives to replace the nobles who were recently appointed as Ministers.
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