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8028 MBf Banking Ltd Tender 3 - 17 July 2024



The Public are hereby invited to tender for the above Land & Building described below (hereinafter referred to as “The Property”) by MBf bank being Mortgage in possession.


  • Building : Single house with 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom.
  • Expiry Date of Mortgage : 18 November, 2050.
  • Area : 759.1m2

All tenders received will not be based necessarily on highest bidder. However, a minimum of 10% must be paid upfront before the house is transferred. If you're interested in acquiring the property, please submit in writing or email.

The Property is offered on an “as is where is” basis. Interested parties are responsible for making their own inquires and taking such professional advice as they consider necessary prior to bidding.

The successful tender shall be notified in writing or email together with all the necessary details.

All enquiries should be directed to Kasun Perera

Venue: MBf Bank
Deadline: 31 July, 2024
Phone No: 23104
Email: kperera [at] mbfbankltd [dot] to or fataim [at] mbfbankltd [dot] to

Note: Terms and conditions apply.


Matangi Tonga Online ref. #8028 MBf Bank Ltd, 3 - 17 July 2024