The Commissioners of the Energy Commission are pleased to announce a power tariff reduction of -3.52 seniti per kWh (kilowatt hour). This is a -2.22 seniti per kWh or -3.8% reduction from the quarter Oct-Dec 2024 when the power tariff was 91.69 seniti per kWh. The new electricity tariff for Tonga is therefore 89.47 seniti per kWh, a decrease from the current tariff of 91.69 seniti per kWh.
The net decrease in tariff movement is the result of less volatility in diesel prices for the last 3 months. The non-fuel tariff was set to 43.11 seniti approved on 1 January 2024. There is a new non-fuel component propose to increase of 1.29 seniti given the annual increase in CPI in 2024.
The Competent Authority has approved a decrease in the regulated price of diesel effective 18 October 2024. This has contributed to a decrease of 0.0985 seniti per litre from the last regulated price of diesel in September 2024.
The new starting tariff of 89.47 seniti/kWh is the new electricity tariff to adopt by Tonga Power Limited and will be reviewed on a quarterly basis with respect to the movement in diesel prices and on an annual basis according to the movements in inflation.
The table set out below provides details of the new electricity tariff.
NOTE: The Electricity Tariff is regulated by the Electricity Act and administered by the Electricity Commission. A process set down in the Concession Agreement between Tonga Power Limited and the Electricity Commission determines the tariff adjustment. The Competent Authority is the Tongan Government Agency that sets the landed price of diesel which Tonga Power Limited uses for its power generation.
Thank you,
Electricity Commission
Kuo tali ‘e he kau Komisiona ‘o e Komisoni Ma’u’anga Ivi ke fakahoko atu ‘a e holo ‘a e totongi ‘uhila ‘aki ‘a e seniti ‘e 3.52 ki he kWh. Ko e holo ‘aki ‘eni ‘a e seniti 2.22 ki he kWh pe ko e peseti ‘e 3.8% mei he kuata ‘o ‘Okatopa ki Tisema 2024 ‘i he taimi na’e seniti ai ‘e 91.69 ki he kWh. Ko e totongi ‘uhila fo’ou ni ‘e kamata ngaue’aki ‘i he ‘aho 1 Sanuali, ko e seniti ‘e 89.47 ki he kWh.
Tupu mei he ngaahi fe’unuaki ‘o e ngaahi totongi lolo tisolo ‘i he mahina ‘e 3 kuo ‘osi kuo ha mai ‘a ‘ene nga’unu ki lalo ‘a e ngaahi totongi. Ko e ngaahi totongi ke fakalele ‘aki ‘a e ngaue na’e fokotu’u ia ki he seniti ‘e 43.11 ‘i he ‘aho 1 Sanuali 2024. Kuo to e ‘i ai ‘ene nga’unu hake ki ‘olunga ki he seniti ‘e 1.29 tupu ‘eni mei he ma’u ha fakamatala falala’anga mei he Potungaue Setisitika ‘a e hiki ‘o e ngaahi totongi koloa (Consumer Price Index) ‘i he 2024.
Kuo tali ‘e he Pule Fē’unga ke holo ‘a e totongi ‘o e lolo tisolo ‘a ia ke kamata ngāue’aki ‘i he ‘aho 18 ‘Okatopa 2024. ‘Oku tokoni ‘eni ki hono holoki ‘a e totongi lolo ‘aki ‘a e seniti ‘e 0.0985 ki he lita mei he totongi lolo tisolo ‘i he kuata kuo’osi.
Ko e totongi ‘uhila leva ke kamata ngaue‘aki ko e seniti ‘e 89.47 kWh, pea ko e totongi ia ke ngaue’aki ‘e he Kautaha ‘Uhila ‘a Tonga pea ‘e vakai’i fakakuata ‘o fakatefito ‘i he fēliliuaki ‘i he totongi ‘o e lolo pea mo vakai’i fakata’u ‘o fakatatau ki he feliliuaki ‘i he totongi koloa.
Ko e tepile ‘i lalo ‘oku tuku atu ai ‘a e ngaahi fakaikiiki ‘o e ngaahi totongi ‘uhila ke ngaue’aki.
FAKATOKANGA’I: Ko e Totongi ‘Uhila ‘oku pule’i ia ‘e he Lao ‘o e ‘Uhila (Electricity Act) ka ‘oku tokanga’i ‘a e ngāue ‘e he Komisoni ‘Uhila. Kuo ‘i ai ha Aleapau Ngāue kuo fokotu’u ke muimui pau ki ai ‘a e Kautaha ‘Uhila ‘a Tonga mo e Komisoni ‘Uhila ki hono fakapapau’i ‘a e totonu ‘o e fētō’aki ‘a e totongi ‘uhila. Ko e Pule Fē’unga ko e Potungāue ia mei he Pule’anga ‘oku ne fakafuofua ‘a e mahu’inga ‘o e totongi tu’uta ‘o e lolo tisolo ‘a ia ‘oku ngāue’aki ‘e he Kautaha ‘Uhila ‘a Tonga ki hono fakalele hono tufaki ‘o e ‘uhila.
Faka’apa’apa atu,
Komisoni ‘Uhila