By Pesi Fonua
A close relationship between the Communist Party of China and the Tonga People’s Party, led by Prime Minister Hon. Rev. Dr Pohiva Tu‘i‘onetoa, was revealed at a reception to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Communist Party of China, at the Chinese Embassy last night, 8 July.
Tonga’s Prime Minister said he had inspiration from the Communist Party of China (CPC).
“Tonga People’s Party learns a lot from the CPC oriented philosophy,” Hon. Tu‘i‘onetoa, said in his speech at the embassy.
“After a study tour of China in 2019, senior members of the Tonga People’s Party came back to Tonga with inspiration learned from CPC and drafted the manifesto of our party,” he said.
The reception dinner with guest of honour Princess Pilolevu Tuita, marked the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.
The Chinese Ambassador to Tonga, HE Cao Xiaolin gave a brief summary of how the Party overthrew the Kuomintang and established the People’s Republic of China in 1921, and how it had progressed over the last century. An exhibition showed defining moments in the development of China.
Great Milestone
Prime Minister Tu‘i‘onetoa responded by congratulating China on its 100th anniversary, which he said was “a great milestone not only within China, but even changed the history of the world.”
He said 1985 economic reforms implemented by the CPC had directly benefited millions of Chinese people. “The inspiration by the founding party was not only for China but for the whole world.”
PM Tui‘onetoa is the Chairman of the Tonga People’s Party.
“In our Manifesto we described governance in Tonga as a fish. The government and party are the fish’s head and body, the people are the fish tail. The tail controls the head and the body, as well as maintains the direction of the head,” he said. “The fish theory unifies the whole body in driving forward our work. Practice has proven that when you put your people in your heart, your people will in turn will hold you up,” said the chairman Tu‘i‘onetoa.
In 1998 Tonga formed its diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China and since then had developed cooperation in areas of agriculture, infrastructure, education, health, tourism, fisheries, and most recently in COVID-19 responses.
“We look forward for further on going technical and economic cooperation,” he said. “Let us also wish great success in marching toward the second centenary goal in building China into a great, modern socialist country.”