By Mary Lyn Fonua

Marina Theresia Trost an accomplished German jazz singer, who came to Tonga to “sing” with the whales, remains missing after failing to return to her tour boat after diving in ‘Eua on Sunday August 11.
A Tonga Police search and rescue boat was joined by local divers this morning, but they have so far failed to find any trace of the missing woman. The weather was expected to deteriorate in the area over the weekend.
Trost (43) from Munich, was working on a documentary film called ‘Ama'ara the Song of the Whales’, combining her voice with the images and sounds of whale song.
She was reported to have been part of a whale watching group that were scuba diving inside the 'Eua cave called "The Cathedral", situated on the northern tip of the island.
Last night, the German Consul in Nuku'alofa, Carl Sanft, said the woman's disappearance remained unexplained. He was told that she was scuba diving with another woman and their tour guide in the cave. Marina did not return to the boat, which was waiting outside of the cave, but her diving weight was found at the bottom of the cave. Marina had surfaced early and the others followed, taking 13 minutes to reach the surface, but could not find her.
Trost, a recording artist, who had an interest in psychokinesiology, meditation, and sound channeling came to Tonga, to listen to the mystical voices of the whales, and to create more awareness of the natural world.
Her documentary website Ama'ara The Song of the Whales and youtube preview says, “Following a vision she experienced in a meditation, the protagonist Marina Trost is traveling to Hawaii and Tonga with a film crew to sing with the humpback whales. A deeply moving and life changing adventure for herself and the whole team.”
Trost was in Tonga with her crew and cinematographer/ director Sebastian Jobst.
We are friends of Marina
We are friends of Marina Trost, the missing woman from Munich / Germany. This beautiful and respectful report about her helped her friends and family here a lot.
Please tell the person who wrote it that we really loved it because one can see that the spirit of Marina was clearly expressed in the words. So lovely and on the point about what her mission was (to rise awareness for the whales) and with how much respect for nature she worked and lived.
The team was very fond of the kindness and support by the Tongan people! Thank you again and best wishes to you. - Katarina Kezeric