Prime Minister 'Akilisi Pohiva has brought Tonga to an all-time moral low! The "new standard" for government officials is that it is okay to be corrupt as long as you admit you are corrupt when you get caught. 'Etuate Lavulavu has shown his corruption over a wide scale of behaviour both in Tonga and the United States. Every time he is caught there are the tears, the apologies but the same behaviour continues.
Where are the nobles in all of this? Where is the King in all of this? The Prime Minister and the government have become an international scandal and embarrassment leaving countries that we depend on just shaking their heads realizing that nothing will ever change in Tonga. This affects all of us as Tongans. Why do we let a handful of dishonest people shape the future of our children and this nation?
It is time for the King to show some leadership! It is time for the nobles to become truly noble and protect the people! The Prime Minister promised his government would be different and bring change. Well, it has! It has become completely corrupt, reflecting on all of us.
And what about Lavulavu? …When will it end? We must remove the Prime Minister Now!
Sione Masa
'I 'Amelika ni ,koe kakaii
'I 'Amelika ni, ko e kakaii (people) 'oku nau tukuange 'a e kakai ta'efalala'angaa ke nau fakafotunga 'a e kaha'u 'o e fonuaa, 'i he taimi koia 'oku fai ai 'a e filii (vote). Kuo 'osi 'ilo kanokato 'ehe kakaii ia 'a e tokaateline 'a e 'Democrat Party' ka 'oku nau fili pe ia 'enautolu. 'Oku fu'u tokolahi fau kau Kalisitiane 'i 'Amelika ni ke nau tu'u hake 'o fili ke nau taki e fonuaa, ka ko e me'a 'oku hokoo, 'oku nau mohe pe kinautolu, tanaki pa'anga mo fakapikopiko ke fili (vote) kae tukuange fanga tevoloo ke nau taki e fonuaa. Ko e me'a pe 'oku hokoo ko 'enau toki 'a hake kuo hekaheka 'a setane honau fo'i tu'a 'o angi holo hangee ha fanga 'asii (donkeys).....SAIA