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'Ikale Tahi Win Battle of Lens

Johnsonville,New Zealand


Brave 'Ikale Tahi took on the mighty Springboks from South Africa early on Sunday morning. In all but the final score Tonga won!

Mighty 'Ikale Tahi you have won and captured the hearts and minds of world rugby with three outstanding performances at the RWC2007. Your firepower forced the 'Boks to reach deep for the big name guns to repeal your plucky attack and until the very last minute the game remained an exciting cliff hanger.

Now get into your red shirts again to march on to Paris next weekend to pluck the English rose and break the axles off their rusting creaking chariots!

I confidently predict that the 'ikale will soar even higher at this RWC. You have already created the stuff of legends and have emphatically put the Kingdom of Tonga's flag high up the world rugby pole. Keep it ever rising!

James P Barton

(No. 1 fan of Kingdom of Tonga rugby since 1980!)

jpbarton [at] xtra [dot] co [dot] nz