Ko e konga hono ua 'eni 'o e ngaahi fakakaukau 'a ia 'oku ki'i fakamamafa ia kihe Palemia mo e kau Minisita hotau ki'i fonua. 'Ofa pe 'e tupu ai ha vivili ke 'ilo 'a e fiema'u 'a e kakai pea 'i he taimi tatau pe 'oku fai 'a e fe'ofa'aki moe melino.
1-Nothing is permanent in life except change.
2-What is the executive's most fundamental task? It is to deal with change.
3-Our responsibility is to be program-oriented but people-centered.
4-We labor with our hands, with our heads, with our hearts.
5-They who know the truth are not so great as they who love it; and they who love the truth are not so great as they who live it.
6-What lies behind you and what lies before you are insignificant compared to what lies within you.
7-The ultimate aim of education is the training of character.
8-When the moment for decision arrives, the time for preparation is past.
9-The one thing we learn from experience is that we don't learn from experience.
10-To lack wisdom is no disgrace. To lack the desire for wisdom is a pity. But to desire wisdom and not know how to find it is a tragedy.
11-Change is part of a law of life. We must grow physically from childhood to adulthood, mentally from ignorance to knowledge, emotionally from insecurity to stability and spiritually to an abiding faith in a living God.
12-Honesty, faith and courage! What a priceless legacy that is! Euripedes said that courage can be taught, as a child is taught to speak. And I rather think that is just what the frontiersman was trying to say. His example would serve his son better than a pouch full of gold; and he was right.
13-A great mind is one that is neither ancient nor modern; it is neither
ashamed of the old nor afraid of the new. It thinks neither in terms of old
traditions nor in terms of new fashions. It is only concerned with the true and the workable.
14-A young agricultural graduate looked over a farmer's field and criticized his method of cultivation. "Why, I'd be surprised if you get ten tons of sweetpotatoes from this field," he said. "So would I," the farmer replied. "That's a pumkins field!"
15-The boss handed the new employee a broom. "Sweep up that mess in the
stockroom," he commanded. "But sir," objected the employee, "I'm a college graduate."
"Oh well; in that case," replied the employer, "come...I'll show you how!"
16-The best way to help a man increase his output, or his leadership of any
kind, is to help build the man. Help him increase his stature as a man, and he will just naturally do better...on the job and off.
17-There is nothing noble in feeling superior to some other person. The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self.
18-The real qualities of leadership are found in those who are willing to
sacrifice for the sake of objectives great enough to demand their wholehearted allegiance. Simply holding a position of leadership does not make a man a leader. If you would be a real leader, you must endure loneliness. If you would be a real leader, you must endure weariness. Leadership requires vision.
19-A real leader ought to be able to foresee what his policies will do to the next generation. Vision must have hope and optimism in it. The past must push us...never pull us.
20-A good leader takes the position that the other fellow is capable of being far more than he is, and it is the leader's responsibility to help him develop to his fullest potential.
21-Good leadership consists of showing average people how to do the work of
superior people.
22-A leader needs to follow a line of action and thought that will lead him to make right decisions: get the facts, weigh and appraise, take action, and check results.
23-A leader must be more than an administrator. He must have executive
abilities, true, but he must know how to vitalize the power of people. He must understand how to build enthusiasm and self-reliance in those he directs by setting a good example himself. In influencing others to strive willingly for mutual objectives, the leader must radiate confidence and create an instant image of competence. This can be more powerful than any other quality.
24-A leader must realize that he is in a position to set an example and must deny himself, therefore, many of the privileges of a follower. Further, he must realize that, as he progresses to positions of increasing leadership, he must continue to study, train, and practice. His efforts to develop himself must be unceasing if he is to meet the challenge of leadership.
25-The executive who is concerned with what a man cannot do rather than what he can do and therefore tries to avoid weakness rather than make strength effective is probably weak himself. He probably sees strength in others as a threat to himself. But no executive has ever suffered because his subordinates were strong and effective.
'Ofa pe 'e 'aonga atu ki he kau Minisita lolotonga, pea ke fakatupu foki mo ha loto fiemalie 'a e PSA kae ngaue'i honau ngafa ngaue na'a nau pole'i he taimi na'a nau kole'i ai e fatongia'.
'Ofa atu
Siosaia Moimoiangaha
lax [dot] rac [dot] room [at] alaskaair [dot] com