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Tupou I envisioned Tonga dedicated to God



In his most instill speech in the closing of the 1875 Parliament, Tupou 1 said, ""Tonga for the Tongans". If Tonga will remain as it is now, I will not say that it is because of our intelligence or our knowledge or whatever it is we can do, but only because we are with God. As I have said before , I will say again, "Tonga is dedicated to God"."

We should be proud of our country though it is considered a period physically. Being the only island Kingdom in the Pacific for centries confirmed the unique value of our culture which conveyed in the various artifacts, legends, songs and poems, and other various task performed by our ancestors. On the other hand, during the 17th and 18th centuries came the missionaries to Tonga in which they introduced to Tongan society the importance of living a moral and christian way of life.

This doctrine of the Bible influences many European countries and even spread out to America by the Pilgims and many who were looking for freedom of worship during the 16th century. As these people came to settle in America they formed up the government basically with a Biblical view. It is the same doctrine of the Bible that influences King Taufa'ahau to adopt such an intrinsic foundation for the Government of Tonga.

Our political problems can not be improved by a change or a Reform but to institute an improvement in the moral and christian value of the country and it's citizens. Tongans should form up a perfect union that will create law and order at home thus establishing a Government that will protect life and property of her people. In order to achieve this perfect union, we have to consider the founding principle laid at the time of her childhood. Tupou 1 had a great vision and every Tongans should be proud of it. "Tonga is Dedicated to God" - Land and People to be taking care by God. We need to bring back this political institution to reflect in it its Christian value. All citizens with no exception to practice righteousness both privately and publicly. God bless this private and public acknowledgement of Him and the practice of personal and civic righteousness.

The domestic and political problems which confront our island today are profoundly due to the crumbling of the moral and spiritual foundations upon which our country was founded. William O. Doughlas once an American Secretary wrote in 1952 for the American people "We are a religious people whose institutions presuppose a supreme Being." This is also true of Tonga. Without these moral and spiritual absolutes, our country is doomed to further decay and to an ultimate destruction by the judgement of a just, holy, and righteous GOD. So let us all should bear in mind that all our material prosperity, intelligence, and progress in all areas are due to the blessing of God upon our labors as an individual and as a nation.

We need to build for the future. Strong Christian homes, Churches, Schools, Communities and the Country will count much toward the reconstruction of the moral and spiritual of our constitutional monarchy. We have to pass this down to the young generation so that they can stand vigorously for the great principle that can make our country Great. As the great English conservative Edmund Burke said at one time, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

Tonga's system of government is good, but the system by itself is insufficient to bring about continued order, prosperity, and progress. What is needed is a common foundation of a moral and cultural absolute to 'undergird' our political system. The Bible says, "Righteousness exalteth a Nation."(Pro. 14:34) : Without righteousness, even in an advanced nation, corrruption, crime, and deterioration eventually set in. The only cure for our country's illness is the preaching of the gospel and its daily application to the lives of its citizens so they will pursue the love of God toward the country as well.

Malini V. Tukutau