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Thursday 20 March 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
His Majesty, King George Tupou V appointed Hon ‘Otenifi Afu'alo Matoto today as the Minister for Finance and National Planning. He is currently the Minister for Public Enterprises and Information and he retains those portfolios. His latest appointment is the culmination of 40 years of dedicated service to the Government and People of Tonga.
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Thursday 20 March 2008
Pago Pago, American Samoa
I stand corrected Tu'ikolovatu. The Hu lou ifi is one of our most sacred ritual (ordinance), a simple matter of interpretation. The recent Hu lou ifi by the people of Mu'a makes a mockery of this ritual. - Sione Lousiale Kava
Thursday 20 March 2008
'Oku mau kole ke fakamalumalu pea mau lango vaka atu he Talamalu 'o e Fonua na'e to pou mo fuofua tanumaki he kau Moana 'o ono'aho. Pea mo Tangaloa 'Eitumatupu'a mo e kau Tangaloa 'o e Langiloa, pea pehe kia Maui Kisikisi mo e kau Maui 'o Maama, ka e 'uma'a 'a e 'otukohi 'o Tu'i Langi, Tu'i Kelekele mo Tu'i Kakai. Pea mo e Tufungafonua 'a Lo'au 'o e Tu'i Ha'amea , ka e 'ata ke fakafolau atu 'a e poupou fakatu'a ko 'eni mei he ngaahi Kalapu Fofo'anga 'Aositalasia. - Peau Haukinima
Thursday 20 March 2008
Me'apango he na'e 'ikai ke u ma'u hano liliu faka-Tonga 'o e tohi ni. Pea kou fakakaukau na'a ko e 'uhinga ia 'oku fai ai 'eku fifili ko e 'ikai ke u mahino'i lelei 'a e 'uhnga mo e taumu'a 'o e tohi, he 'oku fakapalangi ia. Kae tuku pe ke ta talanoa na'a toe ma'u ai ha 'ata fo'ou 'o e ngaahi kaveinga 'oku vivili mo mafatukituki hono mahu'inga kia kitaua Tonga. - Mohetau Kasitati
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Wednesday 19 March 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Highlights from Tonga's newspapers, March 10-13, 2008. An English translation summary by Tevita Fonua.
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Wednesday 19 March 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
HM King George V will make his first official visit to the People's Republic of China next month.
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Tuesday 18 March 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga will soon have its own National Qualifications and Accreditation Board, to develop education programmes for high school leavers, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Education said yesterday.
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Tuesday 18 March 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
As of today, all the available hotel rooms in Tongatapu have been booked to accommodate guests who will be attending the celebrations of HM King George V's Coronation in August.
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Tuesday 18 March 2008
Kaikoura,New Zealand
Michael Burling, Tonga's top surfboard rider, last Sunday proved unstoppable by taking out the 2008 Hyundai Pro Long Board event at Kaikoura in New Zealand.
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Tuesday 18 March 2008
Although my candidacy for this year's election for parliament was prematurely terminated due to a sudden attack of common sense, deep down in my heart, I still feel I am the best candidate to represent the people of Ha'apai. It is unfortunate Ha'apai must wait until my candidacy in the next election of two thousand and whenever I have a chance to regain my citizenship. I am still agonizing whether to spent my money on coming to Tonga and reclaim my citizenship or sent that money to relatives as remittance to help the economy. If you were in my feet (shoes), I am walking bare feet now since I sent my shoes to Tonga so my nephew can have shoes for school. - Tama Foa
Monday 17 March 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
'Inoke Hu'akau is one of 28 candidates who are contesting the three Tongatapu People's Representatives seats in Tonga's April 24 Parliamentary election, and appears to be the only one expressing strong views against the proposed reform program that was passed by parliament before it closed last year, that politicians are working to introduce in 2010.
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Monday 17 March 2008
'E hou'eiki mo e kakai 'o Tonga, tau toe kii fakakaukau mu'a, 'oku 'i fe 'a hotau fanga tokoua mo tuofafine nofo 'i muli, 'oku fiema'u ia ke nau kau mai he alea, 'oku fiema'u ke 'i ai ha nau le'o 'i Fale Alea. Ko e fa'ahinga eni 'oku nau tali 'a 'etau tangi, fakafamili, fakakolo, fakasiasi, fakafonua, fakapule'anga, fakafo'ituitui, ka 'oku tau fu'u ta'e tokanga 'aupito. - Mana mei Langi
Sunday 16 March 2008
Land ownership: the main issue behind the delay in the China loan: As one of only a few Tongans who spoke publicly against the loan from China, the news about the Land ownership issue is one of few items of great news to come out of Tonga recently. It is a blessing in disguise for Tonga and her people. Who would have thought it - the Father of Modern Tonga - King Siaosi Tupou I and His Constitution, His vision and love for his people has emerged from the past to rescue his Kingdom and his people from making the biggest mistake in Tongan history. - Senolita Swan
Saturday 15 March 2008
Czech Republic
During the fifth year of the Iraq invasion, all over the world, the Humanist Movement and all associations pursuing peace and nonviolence; from Spain to Argentina, from Guinea to India, from New York to Prague, Rome to Istanbul, are converging to manifest during the week from March 15 to 22 to ask for. By the Humanist Movement
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Friday 14 March 2008
Pago Pago, American Samoa
The Fofo'anga Club of Amerika Samoa Organization wishes to acknowledge its choice to support the following candidates for the 2008 People's Representative Election. - Setuata Moli Siale
Friday 14 March 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
When a child is diagnosed with cancer the family has to change overnight and the priority becomes the life of that child, HRH Princess Nanasipau'u said today, stressing that supporting a child and family with cancer requires the involvement of the community.
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Friday 14 March 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
An 11-member group of North American travel agents arrived in Tonga on March 13 on a six-days familiarization tour of the Kingdom.
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Friday 14 March 2008
Pago Pago, American Samoa
Ne ngaohi kovia 'e he kainga Tatakamotonga e famili Niua 'o e Ta'ahine Kuini kuo unga fonua 'i Kauvai. Ne houhau heni 'e Ta'ahine 'o folofola mai pe ko 'enau anga pehe mai ko e hingoa (Tungi), pe'i omi 'o 'ave 'enau hingoa ka 'e kei 'eiki pe 'ene tama 'ana (Tupou IV). Ne 'ikai puli ko e ngaue kovi 'eni 'a e kau Sikala. Ka na'e 'ikai fakamu'omu'a atu kinautolu ia he hu louifi. Na'e 'ikai ko e kau sikala pe ne oo, ka ko e kainga kotoa. He ko e lavea e kupu 'e taha ko e lavea kotoa ia. - Mafi ‘o ‘Upolu
Friday 14 March 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Encourage women to reach their highest potential, Joyce Mafi, the Governor of the National Reserve Bank of Tonga, urged yesterday in noting the importance of investing in Tongan women and valuing their work. "The challenge is for the man to support us women so that we can achieve and have a fair share of the positions in government and other areas, just as women have their share of the social life in the home," she said.
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Friday 14 March 2008
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii
Please allow me to comment on Mafi o Amerika Samoa's letter dated 13 March 2008 regarding the recent Hu Lou ifi ritual. -'Aisea Tu'akihekolo Tu'ikolovatu
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