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Thursday 11 December 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Although the Government owned and operated Tonga Chronicle is being outsourced for a new management, expected to take over in January 2009, the Government will retain ownership and editorial control of the loss-making weekly newspaper that it is currently heavily subsidising.
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Thursday 11 December 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Australian and New Zealand Government today have confirmed and reaffirmed their commitment in supporting Tonga's Constitutional and Electoral Reform process by providing a grant of $1.5 million dollars each over the next three years.
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Thursday 11 December 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Australian Government is providing an additional AUD$2 million dollars in aid to Tonga under the second phase of the Tonga Australia Performance Partnership Agreement, which covers the 2008-09 financial year.
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Thursday 11 December 2008
Let's first talk about the US economy. We here in America are just fine. Our children are still well fed. They are still well clothed. They still lie down at night and say their prayers on a warm bed. We share with those who are not fortunate enough. The laughter and smiles we see and hear from our children makes us wonder if there is really a recession. We know there is a recession but we are going to walk out of it together. I don't have time to write all day so I will get to the point.
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Thursday 11 December 2008
Taiji, Japan
Fishing culture is nowhere as important as it is in Japan where the practices are passed down for generations, sustaining livelihoods through trade and maintaining a community's identity. And the hunting of dolphins is very much part of those practices. Story and photos by Linny Folau
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Wednesday 10 December 2008
Japan, the biggest country donor to Vietnam, suspended development aid to the Southeast Asian nation, saying stronger measures must be taken to fight corruption. By Jason Folkmanis and Nguyen Dieu Tu Uyen
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Wednesday 10 December 2008
Poznan, Poland
A young Pacific Islander has issued a challenge to world leaders at the UN climate change talks, telling them to stop paying lip service and show the political will to fast track negotiations.
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Tuesday 9 December 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tongan soldiers were given two sets of uniforms as a gift by the Indian Ambassador to Tonga, HE Dr Prbhakara in a handing over ceremony at the Tonga Defence Services Headquarter at Sene yesterday.
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Monday 8 December 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
It appeared as though Tonga had finally won a gold medal from the Beijing Olympic Games and it had arrived in Nuku'alofa, when Valerie Vili, New Zealand's Olympic Shot Put Gold Medalist, was welcomed by the Tongan Prime Minister, Dr Feleti Sevele at a special reception in her honour at the start of the Olympian's week long visit to her mother's homeland.Photos by Pesi Fonua.
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Monday 8 December 2008
Belgrade, Serbia
would like to use this opportunity to reply to the letter "US saved Serbia from tyranny" written by Mr. M.T. Tuaileva.
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Sunday 7 December 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Dr S. Langi Kavaliku (69), Tonga's most outstanding scholar, a former Prime Minister, a former Cabinet member for 33 years, and newly appointed alternate chairman of Tonga's Political Reform Commission died in an accident at about 8 am on Wednesday, December 3, when his vehicle hit a mound of rocks that was left in the middle of a country road.
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Sunday 7 December 2008

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Santa Claus visited the Tongan Parliament early this year and on December 5 the House received a gift of thousands of dollars worth of digital recording equipment that will help make efficient recording of parliament possible in its move toward democracy.
Sunday 7 December 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Recruit Finau Kolomalu (22) was awarded the Best Overall Recruit of the Tonga Defence Services 55th Basic Recruit Intake during a Passing Out Parade Ceremony held at Camp Taliai on December 5.
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Saturday 6 December 2008
Suva, Fiji
Four courageous Pacific Islanders were yesterday, Dec 6 honoured with this year...’s RRRT/SPC Pacific Human Rights Award to mark the 60th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
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Saturday 6 December 2008
Suva, Fiji
December 5 marks the second anniversary of the military overthrow of the Multi-party Government duly elected by the people of Fiji in the May 2006 General Election.
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Friday 5 December 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
At the 12th Combined Awards Ceremony for Tonga's Institute of Higher Education, 100 graduates received their certificates and diplomas from HRH Princess Siu'ilikutapu Kalaniuvalu Fotofili, on Thursday, December 4, including the first graduates of Tonga's new journalism training program.
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Wednesday 3 December 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
'Ana Teufolau Ma'afu (18) from Kolovai, Tongatapu became the Dux of Tonga High School during their 2008 Prize Giving Ceremony held today, December 3.
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Wednesday 3 December 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The draw for the 2011 Rugby World Cup to be held in New Zealand has put Tonga in Pool A together with New Zealand, France, Americas 1, and Asia 1.
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Wednesday 3 December 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Smiles and tears were brought to members of the Alonga Centre today after Christmas came early for them when they received food and other products from a three minute Digicel Trolley-dash at the Si'i Kae Ola Supermarket on Hala Taufa'ahau.
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Wednesday 3 December 2008
New Zealand
MARIE Fonua, a member of the Friendly Islands Triathlon (FIT) is currently training in New Zealand, as part of her preparation to represent Tonga at the 2009 South Pacific Mini Games, at Rarotonga, Cook Islands.
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