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Tuesday 27 January 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A Tropical Cyclone Alert is now in force for Vava'u, Ha'apai, Tongatapu and 'Eua, the Tonga National Weather Forecasting Centre, Fua'amotu advised at 4:00pm today, Tuesday 27 January 2009.
Tuesday 27 January 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Two mining companies, TCK Tonga Ltd. and Nautilus Minerals Tonga Ltd., have made a total of $1.24 million pa'anga of withholding tax payments to the Tonga government for their mineral exploration in Tongan waters in 2008.
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Tuesday 27 January 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
In a New Year resolution, the Tonga Ports Authority is taking firm action to ensure that old vessels berthed at the Queen Salote Wharf are safe and sound and to remove those that are not.
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Tuesday 27 January 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Australian Day celebration kicked off at the Teufaiva Stadium at mid-day with an exhibition game of Aussie Rules football between Vava'u and Tongatapu Under-17 teams.
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Tuesday 27 January 2009
Suva, Fiji
he Fiji Times publisher Rex Gardener has been ordered by the Fiji Interim Government to leave Fiji this morning, January 27.
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Monday 26 January 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
It was back to school today for thousands of Tongan school children attending government high schools and primary schools, as well as some church high schools, colleges and primary schools.
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Friday 23 January 2009
Suva, Fiji
The Pacific Island Forum Leaders Meeting in PNG has been deferred.
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Friday 23 January 2009
As one of the first generation Tongan living here in America, and witnessing this momentous day of celebration, of the inauguration of the first African American President of the United State of America, I never believed it in my wildest dream, that this day could ever happened in my life time.
Friday 23 January 2009
Suva, Fiji
The Fiji Australia Business Council is urging the Interim Prime Minister to re-consider his decision not to attend the Forum Ministers' meeting in Port Moresby.
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Friday 23 January 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Kalonikali on January 15 reports that 36% of the operational cost of running Vaiola Hospital is borne by foreign countries; and hospital official Tu'akoi 'Ahio does not know what would happen, if China and the others were to withdraw their assistance. Reports from Tonga's newspapers, January 15-22, 2009. An English translation summary by Tevita Fonua.
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Friday 23 January 2009
Cahors, France
The funeral of Tongan rugby player Fe'ao Latu (28) is expected to be held at Lakepa in Tongatapu next week.
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Thursday 22 January 2009
Suva, Fiji
The General Voters Party (GVP) is in agreement with Prime Minister Bainimarama in asking that the meeting in Port Moresby on the 27th January 2009 be deferred to a later date because of the great humanitarian crisis being faced by Fiji at this time.
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Thursday 22 January 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
TONGAN international goalkeeper, Mele Likiliki of Fasi mo e Afi, is a nominee for the Oceania Football Confederation's Women's Player of the Year 2008 Award. She is among 15 top women football players from Oceania who have been short-listed for the OFC's top award to be announced in April.
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Thursday 22 January 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
'Public Participation' is a principle that the Tonga government appears to be striving to effect as we are trying to implement our economic and political reform programs. . . . The setback is an apparent reluctance by the Tongan people to participate in consultations in a meaningful and constructive way. Editor's Comment.
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Thursday 22 January 2009
Wellington, New Zealand
I would not normally consider any email from an email address like raastaman60 [at] hotmail [dot] com as email of consideration lasting longer than two seconds, other than of course the racially motivated, extremist or terror based blogs that exist on the internet. - David Lyons
Thursday 22 January 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
It is people who are not willing to truly stand up for what they believe in that causes so many problems in this country. Too few Tongans are willing to make that leap of faith and put everything on the line for a purpose that they sincerely believe in with all their heart and mind. -Daniel K. Fale
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Wednesday 21 January 2009
Kolofo'ou, Tongatapu
Introduction of the Expenditure Review Committee, a budgetary preparation mechanism, to appraise, evaluate, assess, analyze, and determine the allocation and usage of public funds by each Government Ministry or Department, is a leap forward for Tonga in terms of good governance, accountability and transparency. -Taulea Pau
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Wednesday 21 January 2009
Perigueux, France
The life of Tongan flanker Fe'ao Latu was celebrated by family and friends in a Memorial Mass held at the Perigueux, Saint Front Cathedral, the largest cathedral in Southwest France, on Monday, January 19. Memorial mass at Saint Front Cathedral
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Wednesday 21 January 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Six newly-designed Tongan pa'anga notes of different demoninations, featuring King George Tupou V were released for circulation today by the National Reserve Bank of Tonga.
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Wednesday 21 January 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The human race has around five billion years to plan their evacuation from planet earth, says scientist Chas A. Egan, Tonga's only astrophysicist, "because five billion years from now the sun will burn itself out and life on earth will not be sustainable." By Pesi Fonua
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