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Wednesday 4 February 2009
Pago Pago, American Samoa
I graduated from Tonga High School. Same school that Tupou Pulu, Langi Kavaliku, Futa Helu and so many great minds in Tonga attended. But I would not consider myself anywhere close to their caliber. Sione Tupouniua was the most celebrated Tongan to attend Harvard when I was a young kid in Tonga. - Mafi ‘o Amerika Samoa
Tuesday 3 February 2009
Florida, USA
The Pittsburgh Steelers including Tonga's Chris Kemoeatu won the Super Bowl XLIII NFL Championships triumphing over the Arizona Cardinals 27-23 after a final minute touchdown secured them a record sixth Super Bowl victory on Monday (Tonga time).
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Tuesday 3 February 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Promoting the importance of water, health and sanitation in Government Primary Schools throughout Tonga, the Rotary International District 2690 of Japan, has assisted the Government Primary School at Fasi mo e Afi by building new toilet facilities; one of several schools in Tonga to receive the aid.
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Monday 2 February 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's high electricity tariffs will be reduced this month, returning to the mid-2007 level as the falling cost of diesel fuel is passed on to consumers.
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Sunday 1 February 2009
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Your feature article on Tonga's astrophysicist Chas Egan (Origins of the univers 21Jan 2009) was quite informative, and inspirational. With all the hypes in the glorifications of famous rugby teams and players in the past year, it's refreshing to finally given a bird's-eye-view of how far a Tongan student could go in the annals of academia. - Sione A. Mokofisi
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Sunday 1 February 2009
New South Wales,Australia
The irony is that democratic form of governments traditionally finds it easier to manage the society and thus operate the system based on the voice of the active minority. The situation in Tonga as stated in your commentary is neither new nor different. However, the danger to democracy is when the active minority translates the "lack of participation" as an instrument to disregard the interest of the silent majority. As there are reasons for one being politically active, equally, there are reasons for one not being active. One may be dissatisfied with his life circumstances, linked it government policies and decision making and choose to be politically active to influence the process in his favour. The other may be satisfied with his life situation linked to the same policies and choose to leave the process of decision making as it is. - ‘Inoke Fotu Hu‘akau
Saturday 31 January 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
When the Arizona Cardinals meet the Pittsburgh Steelers to decide the Super Bowl XLIII Championship on Monday (Sunday USA time) in Tampa, Florida, watched by most of the United States; a Tongan is going to be a champion, because this year both teams have Tongan-born players as starters.
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Saturday 31 January 2009
Tampa, Florida,USA
From Tonga to Tampa with stops in Arizona and California - Taitusi Lutui grew into a guard with massive girth and a matching sense of humor who plays a decidedly Tongan brand of football for the Arizona Cardinals, US sports writers are saying on the eve of this year's Super Bowl, noting that in Tonga they watch the Super Bowl on Monday instead of Sunday.
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Friday 30 January 2009
Kahuku, Hawaii
Tongan-born Uikelotu Chris Kemoeatu (26), the offensive guard for AFC champions Pittsburgh Steelers will play his first Super Bowl XLIII Championship against the Arizona Cardinals on Sunday, February 1 in Tampa, Florida.
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Friday 30 January 2009
Daniel K. Fale may have been right regarding my interpretation of the Constitution. Mr. Fale pointed out, "the law applies to all "chiefs and commoners." There shall be but one law in Tonga for chiefs and commoners for non-Tongans and Tongans. My problem with this phrase is: Tupou V is neither a chief nor a commoner; he is the King. - Tama Foa
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Friday 30 January 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The discovery of over 50 ancient rock engravings, including stylised images of people and animals, at the northern end of Foa island, Ha'apai, opens up a new chapter in Tonga's history and may shed some light on its voyaging past.
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Thursday 29 January 2009
Suva, Fiji
The General Voters Party GVP is cautious about the Communique issued by the Forum Leaders after their Retreat in Port Moresby on Monday 27/1/09.
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Thursday 29 January 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tevita U. Langi's agruments in his previous letter have a number of common argument fallacies that need to be given attention. However, I would like to just pick one for the sake of time and simplicity. - Daniel K. Fale
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Thursday 29 January 2009
Belgrade, Serbia
History has it that there was not yet a single year without war in history known to a mankind, and that war has been fought since time immemorial. Therefore, the biggest question today would be: Is it really possible to end wars? -Ivan Simic
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Wednesday 28 January 2009
Fe'ao Latu, the Tongan rugby player who died suddenly in France on January 11 was laid to rest this afternoon at Punga Cemetery, Lakepa, Tongatapu.
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Wednesday 28 January 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
After thunderstorms and heavy rains eased this afternoon, a Tropical Cyclone Warning previously in force for Ha'apai, Tongatapu and 'Eua was cancelled and replaced by a strong wind warning.
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Wednesday 28 January 2009
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Pacific Islands Forum leaders have given Fiji until May 1 2009 to announce a date for an election to be held no later than December 2009 or face suspension from the Pacific Islands Forum.
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Wednesday 28 January 2009
Washington, USA
The United States is extremely disappointed that Fiji's self-appointed leader, Commodore Frank Bainimarama, refused to attend the Pacific Island Forum PIF conference of leaders in Port Moresby on January 27. -US Department of State
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Wednesday 28 January 2009
Auckland, New Zealand
A Tongan family in New Zealand is mourning the loss of teenager Halatau Naitoko (17), a courier driver, who was accidentally shot dead by a police officer on Auckland's Northwestern Motorway on Friday January 23.
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Wednesday 28 January 2009
Nuku‘alofa, Tonga
When Mr. Sevele took office as the Prime Minister of the kingdom, there were lots of hopes riding his appointment. To our dismay, the freedom of the press got more restrictions under his watch than any other time. - TamaFoa
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