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Monday 1 June 2009
Manila, Philippines
Most Pacific economies are continuing to weaken as they suffer the impacts of the Global Financial Crisis, says a new Asian Development Bank (ADB) publication released today.
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Monday 1 June 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Australia, Tonga's biggest aid donor, will increase its aid to Tonga by 10% during the 2009-10 financial year, Hon. Duncan Kerr, the Australian Parliamentary Secretary for Pacific Island Affairs said in Nuku‘alofa recently.
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Monday 1 June 2009
Sydney, Australia
American Samoa's member of the US Congress has warned that the "inept policies and heavy-handed actions" of the New Zealand and Australian governments in the Pacific are putting American interests in the region at risk.
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Monday 1 June 2009
Suva, Fiji
The Fiji military regime, in its latest crackdown, has targeted the most influential religious group in the Pacific island nation, ordering the Methodist Church to cancel its annual conference, reports Agence France-Presse.
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Saturday 30 May 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Japanese Ambassador to Tonga, HE Yasuo Takase, hosted a reception to mark the opening of the first Japanese Embassy in Tonga.
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Friday 29 May 2009
Fai ‘a e vakai tu‘a pe kiai pea u pehe loto pe, seuke!! Ta ko e fielau he na‘e talu pe hono fakahifo mai ki mamani 'a e Tama ni (tapu moia) mo hono polo'i ke Tu'i, pea fai hono lotua 'e he fonua kotoa. Tautau tefito pe eni ki he konga kimui 'o 'ene folofola ki he liliu 'oku lolotonga fakahoko. Pea mo 'ene folofola'aki 'a e ngaahi naunau 'o e tauhi sipi lelei "ke fakataumu'a 'a e liliu ki hono Tauhi mo hono Malu'i 'a hono Kakai mo 'enau ngaahi totonu kotoa pe . . ." - S. Tu‘ivai
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Friday 29 May 2009
Orange, NSW,Australia
‘Oku pehe 'e Saia Mila 'oku 'uli mo palaku 'a Nuku'alofa tupu mei he: 1 - lahi e ngaahi me'alele maumau mo popo he ngaahi 'api moe ve'ehala, 2 - Fakamaketi movetevete he ngaahi ve'ehala, 3 ...– Ifi tapaka he ngaahi fale kalapu tatau pe 'i Ha'apai mo Tonga. Me'apango malie ia Saia Mila kapau he 'ikai te ke toe 'alu kiho fonua tupu'anga na'ake hola mei ai. - ‘Alifeleti Teau‘imo‘unga
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Thursday 28 May 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's King George Tupou V officially opened the 2009 session of the Tongan parliament in Nuku'alofa this morning, May 28. Photos by Pesi Fonua.
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Wednesday 27 May 2009
Canberra, Australia
I fully support Siosaia Mila on his comments on Nuku'alofa and I dearly hope the body responsible for/overseeing the new CDB has plans to make and keep the town in a clean state. Let the tourists and us Tongans living abroad when visiting our beloved country see a clean and tidy capital, not one that you get all embarrassed when coming in with non-Tongan mates and you encounter directly the opposite upon arrival. - Kenani Hoglund
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Tuesday 26 May 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Supporting the development of a reading and writing culture in Tonga, the Commonwealth Foundation brought two prize-winning novelists to Nuku‘alofa last week.
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Tuesday 26 May 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
During a farewell visit to Tonga the German Ambassador HE Joerg Zimmermann handed over a refurbished kitchen for the Alonga Centre for the handicapped in Tonga, and visited other German aid projects.
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Monday 25 May 2009
Hokkaido, Japan
Japan's Prime Minister Mr Taro Aso has confirmed 50 billion yen in aid to the Pacific Islands Forum for the coming three years - an increase from its previous aid of 45 billion yen. By Linny Folau.
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Monday 25 May 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's Tau'uta Reds were convincingly beaten by the Fiji Warriors 40-15 at Nuku'alofa's Teufaiva Stadium on Saturday, May 23.
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Sunday 24 May 2009
Suva, Fiji
The United Nations has declared 22 May the International Day for Biological Diversity. This year's theme is "Alien Invasive Species". These are not species from another planet, but animals, plants and other organisms that are not native to a country or an island but come from somewhere else. In the tropical Pacific region, the list of such alien invaders is long but some of the common ones are rats, ants, mongoose, and weeds like mile-a-minute.
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Sunday 24 May 2009
Morgan Hill, California, U.S
Ne u toki foki mai mei Tonga na he ngaahi 'aho si'i kuo hili ange hili ia ha'ate kau atu ki he Konifelenisi e taha 'o e ngaahi siasi 'a ia na 'e fai ki Ha'apai. 'I Nuku'alofa 'oku lahi hono veve'aki e ngaahi me'alele maumau mo popo e ngaahi 'api mo e ngaahi ve'e hala. Ko e matamata kovi mo e palaku atu 'enau 'asi. - Siosaia Kolomaka Mila
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Saturday 23 May 2009
Suva, Fiji
Reigning Pacific Rugby Cup champions Tautahi Gold keeps its hopes alive of playing in the final of the Pacific Rugby Cup after the Tongans thrashed the Fiji Barbarians 47-10 at Lawaqa Park last night, May 22.
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Saturday 23 May 2009
Hokkaido, Japan
The Prime Minister of Japan HE Mr Taro Aso met with Tonga's Prime Minister Hon Dr Feleti Sevele yesterday for a Bilateral Meeting during the Fifth Pacific Alliance Leaders Meeting PALM 5 in Hokkaido yesterday, Friday May 22.
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Saturday 23 May 2009
Hokkaido, Japan
The Fifth Pacific Alliance Leaders Meeting "PALM 5" was opened yesterday Friday, May 22 at the Tomamu Alpha Ski Resort in Hokkaido, Japan, and deliberated under the theme "We are islanders - towards an eco friendly and rich Pacific".
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Saturday 23 May 2009
Tokyo, Japan
"VIVA Pacific Islanders" was the theme of the Pacific Islands Trade Exhibition 2009 held at the Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO) conference room in Tokyo on Thursday, May 21 and saw Tonga's locally produced Royal Coffee on display. By Linny Folau.
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Saturday 23 May 2009
Wellington, New Zealand
During a three-city tour of New Zealand from May 13-19, Tonga's Prime Minister Hon. Dr Feleti Sevele and his party were officially welcomed by the New Zealand Prime Minister Hon. John Key in the capital, Wellington. Photos by Pesi Fonua.
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