The German Government will commit another 10 million euros to climate change programmes in Pacific countries, it was announced in Copenhagen, Denmark.
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Friday 18 December 2009
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Copenhagen, Denmark

Thursday 17 December 2009
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The World Bank has approved a $TOP7.5 million grant for the construction of about 100 houses for people who lost their homes in Niuatoputapu, in northern Tonga when the island was struck by a tsunami on September 30.

Wednesday 16 December 2009
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Three teenagers have been charged with the murder of a 21-year-old man at Talafo'ou on Friday, December 11, police confirmed today.

Wednesday 16 December 2009
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's Ports Authority manager, Commander Lupeti Vi, this morning told the Ashika inquiry that it was not his responsibility to stop the vessel from sailing.

Wednesday 16 December 2009
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London, UK
It is sad to see and read the plight that Tongan Rugby is spiraling into yet another time warp back to the past. It seems like greed and money is the objective of this power struggle of the Rugby Committee and the players are affected in someway or another. - William Mariner

Wednesday 16 December 2009
Kailua-Kona-Hawaii, USA
Kataki pe mu'a ka e hao atu 'eku lave faka'osi pe 'eni ki he tohi 'a Posoa Finau 'oku pehe, "Tuku 'a e fakamole space mo e kai pinati fakaveve." 'Oku ha 'i he Talanga 'i he lea faka-Tonga. -'Aisea Tu'akihekolo Tu'ikolovatu
Monday 14 December 2009
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Santa Claus in full suit delighted over 30 young children at the Little Italy Hotel and Restaurant on Friday, December 11, giving out presents with a friendly Ho Ho Ho!

Monday 14 December 2009
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Women and children passengers were trapped inside the enclosed passengers cabin shouting and crying out while holding on to their children as the Princess Ashika capsized, said a surviving crewman who managed to get out alive.

Monday 14 December 2009
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Copenhagen, Denmark
Indigenous Peoples from across North America and their allies from around the world who have gathered for COP 15 lead an unprecedented demonstration for just climate policy in Copenhagen on Saturday, December 12.

Monday 14 December 2009
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Copenhagen, Denmark
At the end of the first week of the climate talks at Copenhagen, thousands of activists from the Climate Justice Action and Climate Justice Now! networks are joining the climate march under the banner of 'System Change Not Climate Change' to denounce the climate negotiations as a predictable failure.

Sunday 13 December 2009
Sydney, Australia
Kataki pe kae fakaa'u atu 'a e ki'i fakamaama ko'eni kia 'Aisea Tu'ikolovatu ko e 'uhinga ko e toe heke holo 'oku lau ki ai. Sea hange ko 'eku lau kimu'a, 'oku fu'u fakamole space 'aupito 'a e me'a 'oku 'uhinga kiai. Tuku ke u toe fakamole space atu hono tala atu "Ko e fu'u me'a motu'a pe ia" 'oku tau 'osi 'ilo'i hono faito'o ko e to'o 'a e kau faihala ki tu'a mo kumi ha kakai ke nau fai lelei'i hono fua honau ngaahi fatongia. Ko e toe heke holo ha 'oku ke 'au'au pinati ki ai? -Soa Finau
Sunday 13 December 2009
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Salt Lake City-Utah, USA
Tongan Rugby Union history has proven Mr. Mandela correct more times than wrong that the "majority" is not always right. If memory serves me correctly, TRU surprised the world against Fiji in 1958, against the Maoris in 1959, against Australia 1973, and against the rest of the World in World Cup 2007. -Sione Akemeihakau Mokofisi

Sunday 13 December 2009
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Hihifo, Niuatoputapu
Since the tsunami came to Niuatoputapu we are very blessed on the island to recwive much assistance from abroad. Not just from foreign countries and organisations but also from many individuals who have given their money and their effort. I would like to thank with all my heart everyone, and make mention of those I do know. - Paea Fifita

Sunday 13 December 2009
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Auckland, New Zealad
I am pleased and encouraged to see our government talking to the Cubans about health. -Sefita Hao'uli

Friday 11 December 2009
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Tongan parliament will close quietly late this year and reopen early next year without the usual fanfare, as members continue to deliberate the report of the Constitution and Electoral Commission.

Friday 11 December 2009
Kailua-Kona-Hawaii, USA
'Oku ou fakatokanga'i 'oku ke fu'u emotional he taimi 'oku ou lea ai ki he komiti 'akapulu fo'ou. 'Oku ou ki'i hu'uhu'u na ko ha memipa koe 'o e komiti fo'ou? Ka mavahe pe mei ai 'oku 'i ai hao 'ofa'anga he loto komiti. -'Aisea T. Tu'ikolovatu
Friday 11 December 2009
San Diego, California
Fakamalo atu kia Posoa mo 'Aisea 'i he fokotu'u fakakaukau 'oku fai ki he maa'imoa 'akapulu. 'Oku mahino mai 'i he felafoaki 'a e ongo tangata ni 'a e fiema'u ke fai ha tokoni lahi ki he komiti ni. Mei he taimi ni ki he World Cup 2011 'oku ou poupou atu ki he fu'u matu'aki mahu'inga ke tonu 'a e fili 'o e kau va'inga mo teu'i 'a e fanau va'inga tupu hake ke nau mateuteu fe'unga ki he ngaahi fe'auhi lalahi 'oku hanga mai mei mu'a 'o 'ikai ke ngata pe 'i he World Cup ka 'oku hoko atu ki he teuteu hu 'a e fe'auhi toko 7 ki he 'Olimipiki. -Lou 'Uhila
Friday 11 December 2009
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Japanese Ambassador to Tonga, HE Mr Yasuo Takase hosted a reception on Wednesday evening, December 9 to celebrate the 76th birthday of HM the Emperor of Japan and the 20th anniversary of his accession to the throne.

Friday 11 December 2009
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A float parade along Hala Taufa'ahau, followed by a talent quest, art and craft competition and a tourist facilities banner competition concluded the second and final day, of a national cultural festival on Tuesday, December 8 at Pangai Lahi.

Friday 11 December 2009
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Auditor General Pohiva Tu'ionetoa, a member of a Government Procurement Committee told the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the sinking of the Princess Ashika on December 10, that in May it became known to the committee that Cabinet had made a decision on April 23 to buy the vessel, and a contract was already signed.