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Wednesday 3 March 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The contributions to the Ashika Relief Fund, amounting to TOP$1,061,908.61, will be distributed to survivors and members of the families of those who died in the Ashika tragedy, on Friday, 5th March, 2010.
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Wednesday 3 March 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A media restriction was imposed today on the court proceedings of a case between the Police and Ramsay R. Dalgety who is charged with perjury.
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Wednesday 3 March 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Tonga government is still negotiating a temporary inter-island ferry charter with the help of NZAID and Australia in order to restart the national inter-island service in April.
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Wednesday 3 March 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A written Magistrate's Court order for the Arrest of Lord Dalgety on Friday, February 26 was made available by the Nuku'alofa Police Magistrate this afternoon, and it stated that Lord Dalgety was to be remanded in custody for only 24 hours.
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Wednesday 3 March 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
In recent weeks some correspondence passing between the former Attorney General and Minister of Justice and the Prime Minister has been published in the media here in Tonga. Some of the material published alleges that the Chief Justice either put "pressure" on someone to sign his contract or that he and the former Minister "colluded" to subvert the Constitution. These are serious allegations leveled at the Judiciary.
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Wednesday 3 March 2010
Washington DC, USA
Tongans will always remember the day the Princess Ashika sunk in the Pacific waters. Just days after the tragedy, I flew over that same ocean on my first trip to Tonga to participate in a discussion of Tonga's corruption and transparency challenges based on recent fieldwork my organization, Global Integrity, had conducted with a team of Tongan researchers and journalists. - Norah Mallaney
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Tuesday 2 March 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The 'Eva Mai Tonga Tourism Experience, a tourism promotion event, showcasing what the Tongan tourism industry has to offer to overseas tour wholesalers, tour operators and visitors, was officially launched by the Prime Minister, Dr Feleti Sevele at Pangai Lahi, Nuku'alofa on March 2.
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Tuesday 2 March 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's new inter-island ferry, currently being built in Japan, is scheduled to arrive in Nuku'alofa on 20 October this year to restart the domestic inter-islands ferry service in the first week of November.
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Monday 1 March 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Lord Dalgety the Company Secretary of the Shipping Corporation of Polynesia Ltd has been charged with perjury following his arrest at the Fa'onelua Convention Centre on Friday, February 26.
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Monday 1 March 2010
Salt Lake City-Utah, USA
Finally, we have a public apology from PM Dr. Feleti Sevele for the government's egregious carelessness that led to the Princess Ashika disaster (Ashika Inquiry...24 Feb. 2010). In our custom, his humility finally invokes one of the most important cultural protocols that binds us all as "Tongans"; no matter what class in society we were born to. -Sione Akemeihakau Mokofisi
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Monday 1 March 2010
Paris, France
Futa is gone, and it is hard for his family, for everyone in Tonga and for his friends living thousands of kilometers away to realize he's not here anymore. -Marie-Claire Bataille-Benguigui & Georges Benguigui
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Monday 1 March 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The former Minister of Transport, Paul Karalus, told the Commission of Inquiry into the sinking of the Princess Ashika on Saturday, February 27, that he was deeply saddened and embarrassed with the discovery that his report to the King, Prime Minister and the Cabinet that the MV Ashika was in good condition was based on incorrect information.
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Sunday 28 February 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Tsunami Warning in force for Tonga since 1.15 am this morning was cancelled by the Tonga National Weather Forecasting Centre TNWFC at 12.30 pm today, February 28.
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Sunday 28 February 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A tsunami warning remains in force for Tonga, though its expected arrival time 8.40am has passed, and there is a sense of optimism that the tsunami may have weakened its power by the time it reaches Tonga. Meanwhile, hundreds of Tongan families headed for higher ground at dawn this morning, with many choosing the grounds of the king's villa and the surrounding areas at Mata-ki-'Eua.
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Sunday 28 February 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A tsunami wave moving across the Pacific this morning following an 8.8 earthquake in southern Chile is expected to reach Tonga's coastlines at 8:40 am Sunday 28 February but it is not known how high the wave will be. A tsunami warning is in effect for the whole of Tonga and the Pacific Islands.
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Sunday 28 February 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Chief Meteorological Officer, 'Ofa Faanunu said on Radio Tonga at 1:45 am Sunday 28 February that an 8.8 earthquake near Chile had generated a wave and the Pacific Islands were given a Tsunami warning.
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Friday 26 February 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Lord Dalgety, the Secretary of the Shipping Corporation of Polynesia Ltd, was arrested just after 5 pm today, when he left the Fa'onelua Centre, after giving evidence to the Commission of Inquiry into the sinking of Princess Ashika.
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Friday 26 February 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Company Secretary of the Shipping Corporation of Polynesia Ltd Lord Dalgety is under fire at the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the sinking of the MV Ashika on February 25, after evidence revealed a "scandalous contract" of employment and possible use of public funds to finance personal and first class travels in his other role as Chairman of the Electricity Commission.
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Friday 26 February 2010
Koror, Palau
The PNA, has been dubbed ‘OPEC for tuna’ because it aims to control access to tuna in its waters and so increase economic benefits for Pacific Islanders. PNA waters supply around 25% of the world’s supply of tuna.
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Thursday 25 February 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Shipping Corporation Company Secretary Lord Dalgety who has been missing in action at the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the sinking of the Ashika since January 22 is expected to continue his evidence this week after it was confirmed by a doctor that his medical condition was that of dehydration.
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