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Monday 15 November 2010
Sydney, Australia
The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement TPP is the only new trade initiative being taken by the Obama administration, and is being heavily promoted at the APEC summit this weekend. - Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network.
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Saturday 13 November 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
In a tough new stance against alcohol consumption, Tonga's new liquor legislation comes into force this summer introducing liquor licences and breath testing in an effort to reduce public drunkenness and to change irresponsible drinking attitudes.
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Saturday 13 November 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
For Tonga to raise it's standard of living and to eradicate poverty, candidates for the coming parliamentary election had a few different ideas, including changing lending policies and declaring Tonga to be a "least-developed country".
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Friday 12 November 2010
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Enough visits from U.S. Government officials to thank Tonga for her unselfish contribution to the wars in the Middle East (Chairman US Joint Chiefs . . . 10 Nov 2010). Admiral Michael Mullen should see the need to buildup the Tongan Defense Services for future services, and Tonga will always be a friend to the People of America, and England. - Sione Akemeihakau Mokofisi.
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Friday 12 November 2010
Suva, Fiji
2010 marks the second year of the five-year focus on 'Diabetes education and prevention", the theme selected by the International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organization for World Diabetes Day 2009-2013. The campaign slogan for 2010 is: "Let's take control of diabetes. Now. - WHO.
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Friday 12 November 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Police are keeping a watchful eye on campaigns leading up to a peaceful General Election on November 25 and are prepared to take action if the need arises, said Police Commander Chris Kelley yesterday.
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Friday 12 November 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
AT the start of the summer holiday season Tonga's new TOP$30 million ferry MV 'Otuanga'ofa, which arrived in Nuku'alofa on October 15, remains tied-up at the Queen Salote Wharf, because it has no crew and the passenger ferry berths at Pangai, Ha'apai and Neiafu, Vava'u are not yet ready.
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Thursday 11 November 2010
Manila, Philippines
Strong governance and constant vigilance against corruption are essential if Asia and the Pacific is to deliver the benefits of its economic boom to all, Asian Development Bank (ADB) President Haruhiko Kuroda told a forum today. ADB.
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Thursday 11 November 2010
New Zealand
Let me start by saying as our mortality becomes more fragile, with the passing of time, we sometimes reflect on decisions taken that seemed perfectly sensible at the time you made them. I refer in my case to my time as Chief Executive of Tonga Investments (1994-98) when I influenced the then Board of Directors to exit commodity exports by closing down Primary Produce Exports Limited (PPEL). - Wayne Madden.
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Wednesday 10 November 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States Armed Forces Admiral Michael Mullen dropped into Tonga for a three-hour visit on November 9 and thanked Tonga for their continued commitment and support in promoting peace and stability in the world, by providing troops to Iraq and now Afghanistan.
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Wednesday 10 November 2010
Auckland, New Zealand
'Oku ou fakamalo atu kia Lou 'Uhila he'ene tafulu pongipongia mai he vahaope. Kataki ko e me'a 'oku ke hoha'a kiai 'oku ou tau'ataina pe au ke fakahoko 'o tatau pe mo ho'o tau'ataina keke tafulu mai he kolomu ni. 'Ofa mai aa Lou 'Uhila 'o tukuaa hono feinga'i ke fakapulou'i e mo'oni he ho'ataa malie. - Dr Fotu K.V. Fisi'iahi.
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Tuesday 9 November 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
"Quashing an indictment - is NOT the same as acquitting a defendant", Justice Robert Shuster stated in an 11 page document titled "Clarification of the reasons for quashing the indictment in file CR64-2010" - the perjury case brought by the Crown against Ramsay Robertson Dalgety.
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Tuesday 9 November 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
While the domestic economy shows signs of recovery, the outlook looks weak, according to the National Reserve Bank of Tonga.
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Monday 8 November 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
In a dramatically worded official statement Tonga's Minister of Information 'Eseta Fusitu'a on November 4 denounced a group that is questioning the King's sale of the 'Atalanga royal residence in Auckland, apparently for daring to ask questions of Tonga's king.
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Monday 8 November 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Basic health services should continue to be easily accessible for all Tongans, believed a panel of candidates discussing health, although the issue of life style diseases such as diabetes was also raised as a concern.
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Sunday 7 November 2010
The World Bank on October 19 announced a new strategy of support for Tonga to reduce the impact of economic shocks on the country and assist with longer term growth and development opportunities.
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Saturday 6 November 2010
San Mateo,California, USA
'Oku mahino pe ko e kuonga poto eni 'o Tonga, pea 'oku taki taha ta'aki 'ene mo'oni. Kau 'oatu ha ki'i fakamanatu: Na'e ufi, faka'apa'apa pea toka'i pe 'a e Tonga ia he kuo hili, pea ko e kuonga koula ia 'o Tonga! 'Oku hanga 'e he kuonga poto ni 'o 'ave ki tautolu ki he tu'unga 'oku ma'olunga 'aupito he 'oku lilika hoku poko'i mata tu'a he tau mama'o 'etau kaka. Ka ko e ma'olunga ange 'etau kaka ko 'ene 'osi ia 'a e fanga ki'i me'a 'oku kuku ke fai 'aki e fononga he'ene ngangana! - Leafa Taumoepeau.
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Friday 5 November 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Regardless of who bought “Atalanga”, to claim that such an expansive and high class property with antique furniture was bought to be a student residence is most ludicrous. There is no logic to such a purchase and expense. On the other hand, as the Royal Residence of Her Majesty the Queen of Tonga in New Zealand, the purchase then makes sense. - Ministry of Information and Communication.
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Friday 5 November 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The indictment for perjury against Lord Dalgety has been quashed by the Supreme Court. This means the indictment has been (in layperson terms) dismissed or discharged. - Lord Dalgery Legal Counsels.
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Friday 5 November 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
'A ia kapau na'e 'oange ho'omo kui hono 'api ki homo tamai kene ma'u pea foaki ange 'e ia ki hono foha lahi pea mo si'i lotokovi ai. Pehe 'oku mo kei poto? Na'a tau totongi tax kotoa pe ka 'oku 'osi 'eku tumu ho'omo fu'u vili ta'e'unua mo velia hono feinga ke teke'i 'a lei mo hono fu'u mei. - Lou 'Uhila.
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