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Thursday 24 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Defence counsel told the Ashika trial yesterday that the first mate of the MV Princess Ashika, Semisi Pomale, did his best in carrying out his duties onboard the MV Princess Ashika while he was in charge from 8pm to 12pm on August 5, 2009.
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Thursday 24 March 2011
China's state-run media XINHUA opening up an office in Fiji is a sign of growing relations between the two counties. - Radio Australia.
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Tuesday 22 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Captain of the MV Princess Ashika Viliami Makahokovalu Tuputupu sailed with a Provisional Certificate of Survey issued by the Government of Tonga's Department of Marine declaring the vessel seaworthy to sail in Tonga, defence counsel Sifa Tu'utafaiva submitted today.
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Tuesday 22 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The counsel for Acting Director of Marine Viliami Tu'ipulotu argued on March 22 that his client signed the Provisional Certificate of Survey dated July 3, 2009 allowing the vessel to sail, because it confirmed that a survey was actually carried out on the vessel.
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Tuesday 22 March 2011
Tokyo, Japan
Two Tongan rugby players in Northern Japan, Piei Mafile'o and Lata Lui and his daughter Sisifa, almost lost their lives while rescuing a child from the tsunami that devasted the port town of Kamaishi on March 11.
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Tuesday 22 March 2011
Port Vila, Vanuatu
It has now been more than two weeks since the assault on myself as Daily Post publisher by a group of men blatantly led by Minister Harry Iouko, and despite more than a dozen eyewitness statements and photos, absolutely no criminal charges so far have been made by police and nothing is currently with the Public Prosecutor. - Daily Post publisher Marc Neil-Jones.
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Tuesday 22 March 2011
Auckland, New Zealand
A group of Pacific Islands parents are taking New Zealand's Ministry of Education to court over its decision to indefinitely suspend producing Pacific language books.
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Monday 21 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
TheShipping Corporation of Polynesia Ltd in its defence argued at the Nuku'alofa Supreme Court on March 21, that the company acted lawfully when sending the MV Princess Ashika to sea, because they were issued valid Provisional Certificates of Survey and Registration.
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Monday 21 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Defence counsel Laki Niu submitted to jurors in the Ashika trial that the Crown Prosecution had not provided any evidence to prove beyond reasonable doubt the eight counts against his client, John Jonesse.
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Sunday 20 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A grant assistance of over half a million pa'anga was signed by the Japanese Ambassador to Tonga, HE Mr Yasuo Takase, and representatives from three Technical Institutes in Nuku'alofa on March 17.
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Sunday 20 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Vice-Consul of the French Embassy in Suva, Alexandre Raugel laid a wreath at the Ashika Memorial Wall, Vakataumai Cemetery, Ma'ufanga on March 17, in tribute to a French couple who died in the sinking of the MV Princess Ashika in 2009.
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Saturday 19 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
In Nuku'alofa on a goodwill visit the French navy frigate, La Moqueuse, under the command of Lt Commander Francois Nevejans, berthed at the Queen Salote Wharf for two days March 17-18.
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Friday 18 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
After the Crown Prosecution closed its case, calling its final witness around noon on March 16, the counsel for the five defendants in the Ashika trial elected that their clients would remain silent.
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Thursday 17 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's new Police Commissioner Chris Kelley said in a statement today that he had not seen a petition regarding police reforms that was presented to Cabinet on Friday March 11; and he believed that change to merit-based promotion and other changes to a new Police Act, "may be at the 'heart' of these perceived grievances".
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Thursday 17 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
I am aware of the 'petition document' which was presented to Cabinet last Friday 1⅓/11. I have not seen a photo-copy of the original document. I have asked to have a copy of the original document.
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Thursday 17 March 2011
'Okalani, Nu'usila
"Koeha 'a e 'uhinga 'o e polisi?" "Kiate au ko e polisi ko e taliangi ta'etoefehu'ia . . ." Malie ee! Tangane kau tangata mo e kau fefine ho'omou loto lahi ke mou ngaue ke veteki aa 'a e fo'i Tukufakaholo koia ko e Taliangi Ta'etoefehu'ia, mei homou ngaue'anga. - Dr Fotu K.V. Fisiiahi.
Wednesday 16 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A petition reportedly signed by 150 police men and women, seeking the suspension of the Police Commissioner Chris Kelley, and resisting some of the reforms introduced under the $4m police development programme, was presented to the Tongan Cabinet on Friday, March 11.
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Wednesday 16 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A 49 years old woman driver has been charged with manslaughter by negligence, following the death of a 34 years old man from Tofoa on March 13.
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Wednesday 16 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Four significant waves from Japan's tsunami event on March 11 travelled across the Pacific and were felt in Tonga where fluctuating sea levels up to 1.2m were recorded for several hours after a first wave hit Nuku'alofa's tidal gauge at 5:30 am on Saturday.
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Wednesday 16 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Ministry of Labour, Commerce & Industries has placed to the Competent Authority the new petroleum prices to be effective from today 16th March 2011 and therefore wish to notify the public accordingly to be fully aware of the implications and the reasons why.MLCI.
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