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Monday 9 January 2012
Auckland, New Zealand
"Project Revival" is intended to support Tonga's private sector, because it is very weak. Total exports is only around $US22 million a year. Income from Tourism is probably around $40 million a year etc. We need to increase it by supporting what is happening in Tonga at the moment. – Semisi Pone.
Monday 9 January 2012
Manila, Philippines
The eurozone crisis is expected to have only limited impact on the Pacific because the region's growth prospects are more closely tied to the economies of Australia and New Zealand. - ADB.
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Sunday 8 January 2012
Neiafu, Vava'u
'Oku makatu'unga 'a e hoha'a 'a e kau ngoue 'o Vava'u, ko e fu'u mamafa ange 'a e totongi 'o e feleti ki Nu'usila 'I he totongi 'oku nau fakatau atu 'aki 'enau ngoue ki he kau exporters. 'Oku T$1.00/kilo 'a e totongi 'o e fua 'o 'enau ngoue, kae NZD$1.00/kilo 'a e totongi 'o e feleti. 'A ia ko e tangai kape 25kg @ T$1.00/kg 'oku T$25.00 ki he tangai, ka ko hono feleti 'oku NZD$25.00 ki he tangai. 'A ia 'oku hala ha tupu 'i he uta me'akai ki Nu'usila. – Paula Kava.
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Friday 6 January 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
*The 'Api-Fo'ou Ex-students Association raised more than a million pa'anga during their four days Jubilee celebration from December 27-30, to mark the establishment of 'Api-Fo'ou by Catholic priests 125 years ago.
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Friday 6 January 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's former Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Gordon Ward, has been made a knight bachelor by Queen Elizabeth II in her 2012 New Year's honours list, for his services as the Chief Justice for the Turks and Caicos Islands, and his judiciary service for the Commonwealth.
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Wednesday 4 January 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Three young men died in Tongatapu between Christmas Day and New Year's Eve, including two in a fatal road accident that brought Tonga's road toll to 12 for the year 2011 – twice as many as in 2010.
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Wednesday 4 January 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tongan-born Teresa Moore, a top international fashion model, based in New York City, returned to Tonga in the New Year after 20 years away. By Linny Folau
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Tuesday 3 January 2012
Atlanta, Georgia,USA
Matangi Tonga Online readers around the world send in their holiday photos, with Best Wishes and Season's Greetings to one and all.
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Monday 2 January 2012
Kentville-Nova Scotia, Canada
It was a white Christmas for Betsy Lee Tu'inuikuafe Worthylake, her husband Peter and mother-in-law Pauline Worthylake in Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada. On Christmas Eve snow was falling while Betsy was watching from the porch of her house.
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Friday 30 December 2011
Canberra, Australia
HRH Princess Angelika Latūfuipeka Halaevalu Mata'aho Napua-Okalani Tuku'aho graduated with a Master of Business degree from the Australian National University's College of Business & Economics, Canberra, on December 15.
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Thursday 29 December 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
We have in our beautiful country, a group of men who beg or penipeni people on the streets of Nuku'aolfa to buy alcohol, and they are drunk 90% of the time. They are a real menace to society. – Concerned Citizen.
Thursday 29 December 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's king is looking for funding to establish a private university in Tonga, with a focus on renewable energy and the environment.
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Wednesday 28 December 2011
Apia, Samoa
As Samoa prepares to mark the change of Samoa's position in relation to the International Dateline, it will also mark the division in conviction of Seventh Day Adventists in Samoa. Those that will continue to keep Saturday as their Sabbath and others that will now worship on Sunday as the new Sabbath. - Samatau SDA church.
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Tuesday 27 December 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
There will be no reduction in the size of Tonga's civil service in the 2012-13 budget, according to Tonga's Prime Minister Lord Tu'ivakano, whose new government, this year supported with a foreign aid-funded budget lifeline, hopes to advance Tonga's political and economic development, somehow, during its remaining three years term in office. By Pesi Fonua.
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Tuesday 27 December 2011
We the Tongan students at the Australian National University (ANU) are extremely proud to register our humble appreciation and excitement over the recent achievement by Her Royal Highness, Princess Angelika Tuku'aho of a second Master's degree. – Nesi, 'Ana, Tonga mo Peni.
Tuesday 27 December 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's Speaker Lord Lasike "should resign," the Prime Minister Lord Tu'ivakano, said on Friday, after a second arrest warrant was issued for Lasike's breach of bail.
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Friday 23 December 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's Chief Justice Hon Michael Dishington Scott has ordered a warrant of arrest for Lord Lasike the Speaker of Parliament, after he defied the conditions of a court order and breached his bail when he travelled to the USA in November and has not returned to Tonga.
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Friday 23 December 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Andrea Moala (12) from Alaki in Tongatapu won the Digicel Star 2011 season 2 singing competition, during the final held at the Dateline Hotel on December 19, winning a trip to the Caribbean.
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Friday 23 December 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Members of the Alonga Centre for the disabled, were treated to Christmas carols and received presents at the opening of the Lady Maria Gift Shop on the ground floor of the Loumaile Lodge today.
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Friday 23 December 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A cloudy with showers outlook for Christmas Day in Tonga is forecasted by the National Weather Forecast Centre at Fua'amotu.
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