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Results for Tonga

Friday 27 May 2022

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Beulah Adventist College has boosted its computerised education with the launching of new network infrastructure and technology teaching and learning facilities, on May 26 at the Vaini campus. The Prime Minister Hon Hu’akavameiliku commended the school on its milestone achievement.
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Friday 27 May 2022

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Vulnerable families in Tonga have received emergency multi-purpose cash hand-outs from the International Organisation for Migration, following the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcanic eruption and tsunamis in January.
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Friday 27 May 2022

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Siosiua ‘Utoikamanu and Dr 'Ana Taufe’ulungaki have been appointed as new members of His Majesty’s Privy Council.
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Friday 27 May 2022
Poasi Tei

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Deputy Prime Minister Poasi Tei and former Prime Minister Pohiva Tu'i'onetoa, both Members of Parliament have each been granted a stay in the execution of their judgements, that declared their election void, until their appeal is heard and determined. They were earlier found to have committed offences of bribery under the Electoral Act, in election petitions heard before the Supreme Court in Nuku'alofa.
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Wednesday 25 May 2022
SET program

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
First term school fees for 3849 secondary school students throughout Tonga are being paid under the World Bank's SET Project. A total of $962,250 pa'anga was disbursed from the World Bank's SET Project on 23 May, to pay the Term 1 fees for eligible secondary students of disadvantaged families.
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Wednesday 25 May 2022

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Forty-five Tongan soldiers from His Majesty’s Armed Forces will take part in the world largest international maritime exercise, the biennial Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC 2022) in Hawaii next month. They departed Tonga for training in Australia on 23 May.
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Tuesday 24 May 2022
Moeaki and Saulala

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Two Cabinet Ministers, who were found to have committed offences of bribery under the Electoral Act, in the lead-up to the November 2021 General Election, have been granted a stay of execution in their judgements, and their unseating stayed, until their appeal is heard and determined. A special Appeal Session is scheduled for July.
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Tuesday 24 May 2022

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's Court of Appeal Court is expected to issue judgments later in the week, after concluding its first session held from May 16-20. 'Etuate Lavulavu's appeal was deferred to the next session later in the year.
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Tuesday 24 May 2022
Shane McLennan

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga’s new Police Commissioner Shane McLennan was sworn in on 19 May in Nuku’alofa. Acompanied by his wife Sharron, he presented his credentials to the Prime Minister and Minister for Police. Hon. Hu’akavameiliku. Commissioner McLennan is the first Australian to be appointed to the role.
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Friday 20 May 2022

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Crucial generator parts are expected to arrive from Germany tomorrow, Saturday. Tonga Power Ltd. has been waiting for the parts needed to fix two electrical generators that went down, forcing some load shedding or rolling power cuts on Tongatapu at peak times since the beginning of May. After repairs, power generation should be back to normal in mid-June.
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Friday 20 May 2022

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Mafi Fatongiatau Fakatene (22) was sentenced to four-years imprisonment for grievous bodily harm, when he wounded a 25-year-old victim with a machete at Fua'amotu. The court was told that these two men had a long simmering animosity that was punctuated by outbursts of violence.
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Thursday 19 May 2022

Lord Tu‘ivakano will have his appeal heard on Friday, 20 May against a decision of the Supreme Court to dismiss his civil claim of malicious prosecution against the Police Commissioner, Attorney General and the Kingdom of Tonga in 2021.
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Thursday 19 May 2022

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tongan secondary school students will return to classrooms on 23 May, under eased restrictions. Also, the night time curfew will be reduced tp 5 hours , from midnight to 5:00am from 21 May.
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Thursday 19 May 2022

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's quarantine and isolation days will be reduced to five-days starting on 1 June as COVID-19 cases continue a downward trend.
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Thursday 19 May 2022
ICT sector AGM

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A dividend of $782,048.69 for the financial year 2020-2021, for Tonga Communications Corporation, was declared by the public enterprises ICT Sector Shared Board, at its Annual General Meeting in Nuku’alofa on May 5.
Thursday 19 May 2022

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A 35-year-old male from Tofoa has been arrested regarding the burglary and theft of $75,121 pa'anga from the offices of Tonga Post in 2021.
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Wednesday 18 May 2022

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Donations raised from a benefit concert in the United States were handed out to two local organizations on 17 May, to assist in the aftermath of the volcanic eruption and tsunamis that impacted Tonga on 15 January this year. A. further donation will be given to a local primary school.
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Wednesday 18 May 2022
Mango islanders

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The island community of Mango in Ha’apai who were affected by the tsunamis and volcano eruption on 15 January will have their homes rebuilt on the outer island of ‘Eua.
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Wednesday 18 May 2022

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A former police officer, Joshua Halafihi 'Anitema (31) was sentenced to seven-years imprisonment for raping a teenager, while she was in custody.
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Monday 16 May 2022

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The first session of Tonga's Court of Appeal for this year started today, 16 May and includes ‘Etuate Lavulavu's appeal against his conviction and sentence. He is currently serving six-years in prison with his wife 'Akosita, whose appeal is expected to be heard in the next session.
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