We know many people are asking when vaccines will be available in Pacific countries. We anticipate that in 2021, demand will vastly exceed supply. But this doesn’t mean we should just sit and wait. PICs now need to focus on preparing, so they are ready when the first vaccines do arrive. This includes starting pre-registration for priority groups. It means making sure the systems are in place and working, for delivering vaccines and monitoring their safety and effectiveness. This requires investments to strengthen health systems, which will bring benefits beyond COVID-19. By Dr Takeshi Kasai.
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Results for Pacific Islands vaccines
Friday 8 January 2021
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Marshall islands was the first country in the Pacific region to have access to a COVID-19 vaccine at the end of December, while The Federated States of Micronesia and Palau expect to receive a vaccine this month. Meanwhile, Tonga and other Pacific countries are waiting to have access to vaccines through the global COVAX initiative, possibly toward the end of 2021.
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