A Royal Kava ceremony, 'Taumafa Kava' will be held to celebrate the official birthday of King Tupou VI (65) this Saturday, 29 June, at Pangai Lahi, next to the Royal Palace, in Nuku'alofa.
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Results for king's birthday
Tuesday 25 June 2024
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga

Tuesday 4 July 2023
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Heilala Festival Parade attracted a flood of people into the capital today, during the public holiday for the official birthday of HM King Tupou VI (64), on 4 July.

Tuesday 5 July 2022
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
HM King Tupou VI celebrated his official birthday on Monday, 4 July, in private with members of the Royal Family, at the Villa Royal Residence. The King who was born on 12 July 1959 is 63-years-old this year.

Tuesday 6 July 2021
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Tonga Choral Night brought together a variety of church choirs on Sunday July 4, for an annual choral evening that never fails to impress, at the Queen Salote Memorial Hall.

Friday 3 July 2020
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
HM King Tupou VI will celebrate his official birthday on Saturday, July 4, in private with some members of the extended Royal Family, at The Villa Royal Residence. The King who was born on 12 July 1959 will be 61 years old this year. Starting at 10:00am HMAF and Tonga Police bands will march through central Nuku'alofa to the Royal Palace, but there will be no public holiday this year.

Friday 5 July 2019
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The sunshine came out this morning in Nuku'alofa, and King Tupou VI was treated to a special visit of the Waka of Kiingi Tuheitia to Tonga, with the Taatahiora Regatta and Salute at the Domestic Wharf. Photos by Pesi Fonua.

Monday 1 July 2019
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
This week is packed with day and night events as the 2019Heilala Festival and the 60th birthday celebrations for King Tupou VI runs from July 1-7 in Nuku’alofa. Programs were held today despite the heavy rain.

Wednesday 29 May 2019
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga in June starts its busy season of events, with church conferences, national shows and the annual Heilala festival leading up to the marking of King Tupou VI 60th Birthday celebrations on July 4 in Nuku’alofa.

Monday 11 June 2018
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The 59th birthday of HM King Tupou VI will be celebrated in Ha’apai next month. The King was born on 12 July, 1959.

Thursday 6 July 2017
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Neiafu, Vava'u
The four-days celebration of HM King Tupou VI’s 58th birthday began on 4 July in Neiafu, Vava’u with a military parade and luncheon on July 4 and a Royal Cruise to Ovaka Island on July 5. Photos by Pesi Fonua

Saturday 5 July 2014
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Neiafu, Vava‘u
HM King Tupou VI inspected a Military Parade at the Mala'e Fangatongo, Neiafu, yesterday July 4 during the King's Birthday celebrations in Vava‘u. Photos by Lisa Molloy

Monday 30 July 2007
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
HM King George Tupou V will celebrate his 59th birthday on the new date, August 1, for the first time a public holiday for Tonga.

Friday 30 June 2006
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Preparations are well underway for the return to Tonga of King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV on Saturday July 1 to celebrate his 88th birthday on July 4.