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Azerbaijan to fund SIDS delegations to attend UN Climate Conference

Baku, Azerbaijan

Climate youth activists point out tsunami damage at the small boat harbour in Nuku'alofa, Tonga, during a tour with to COP29 President-Designate Babayev. August 2024. Photo: COP29

Funding to cover the participation of four members of delegations from each Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Party at the UN Climate Conference COP29 was announced by COP29 Presidency, yesterday, to facilitate the active participation of vulnerable communities who stand to lose the most from the climate crisis.

The host Government of Azerbaijan will fund the participation of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) at COP29, as well as in the preparatory meetings preceding the Conference.

“The COP29 Presidency is committed to running an inclusive process that delivers tangible outcomes. Central to this inclusive process will be the active participation of those particularly vulnerable communities who stand to lose the most from the climate crisis,” it stated.

Funding will cover the participation of delegations from each SIDS Party at COP29 as well as at the preparatory meetings preceding the Conference, including accommodation and daily subsistence allowance for four designated delegates and flight tickets for four designated delegates to and from Baku.

Azerbaijan’s offer is in addition to the support provided through the UNFCCC’s Trust Fund for Participation (TFP), to which the Government of Azerbaijan has also pledged a contribution.

The offer will help to support SIDS and to amplify their voices, including at the World Leaders Climate Action Summit from 12 -13 November.

Tonga signing of joint declaration

COP29 President-Designate Babayev and the Commonwealth Secretary-General Scotland signed a Joint Declaration by The Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and The Commonwealth Secretariat, at the 53rd Pacific Leaders Summit in Tonga. 27 August 2024. Photo: COP29

Recently in Tonga, COP29 President-Designate Mukhtar Babayev joined the UN Secretary General, the Commonwealth Secretary-General and senior political figures at the 53rd Pacific Leaders Summit, where he and Commonwealth Secretary-General Rt Hon Patricia Scotland KC signed the “Joint Declaration by The Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and The Commonwealth Secretariat.”

The declaration sets out Azerbaijan’s commitment to support SIDS in achieving their Sustainable Development Goals, enhancing their adaptive capacity, strengthening resilience and reducing vulnerability to climate change.

“To drive this work forward, the Government of Azerbaijan will be ready to allocate $10 million to provide support and fund projects to be delivered jointly with the Commonwealth Secretariat for at least a 5 (five) year period.”

Mr Babayev said, “We will not have an inclusive process if we do not take every measure to ensure participation from frontline communities. We need these perspectives and experiences to guide our approach and strongly believe in our moral duty to support these nations. Funding for delegations from SIDS will ensure that the communities with the most at stake in our collective climate efforts can join us in Baku as we work to keep 1.5 within reach while leaving no one behind.”

New Zealand Foreign Affairs Minister, Winston Peters and COP29 President-Designate Babayev, at a side meeting during the 53rd Pacific Leaders Summit in Tonga. 27 August 2024. Photo: COP29