I read in Matangi Tonga and other publications about the news conference pertaining to objective and balanced reporting. I am not surprised by the recalcitrant attitude of the Tonga Broadcasting Commission Chief News Editor towards the Minister of Information's planned journalist guideline for government media outlets.
As the case of George Lavaka has shown, the desire to create a personal way of reporting on occasions gets in the way of their own house rules.
Another good example was a letter to the editor of this publication by the manager of Television Tonga, pertaining to criticism of TV Tonga. If senior managers of the Tonga Broadcasting Commission are writing this kind of confused public letter, what can be expected of their balanced reporting ability?
If any member of the TBC senior management staff happens to be in her/his position because of years of service, I suggest, TBC thank them for their loyalty, make them redundant and replace them with qualified personel.
Heinz Koester
music [at] kalianetvav [dot] to