Tonga reaffirms diplomatic relationship on China's 70th Anniversary Celebration
Friday, September 27, 2019 - 11:08
The 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China was celebrated in Tonga on Wednesday evening, 25 September at the Chinese Embassy, Fasi-mo e-Afi, Nuku’alofa, with a reaffirmation of the diplomatic relationship between the two countries.
It is wonderful to learn
It is wonderful to learn about the support that the Chinese Communist Party [CCP] freely gives to the Christian nation of Tonga. China has, since President Xi Jinping came to power, moved courageously to make all religions more harmonious with the CCP's noble ideals about religion, including Christianity. Any internet search will confirm this is int the interests of all Christians and everything continues to reflect a 'socialist state with nationwide harmonious characteristics'.